Browse hierarchy
Current terminology preferences : Natural order and International variant
- All categories
- Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials
- Mining & Mineral Harvesting T&E
- Mining & Mineral Harvesting Equipment
- air leg
- assay apparatus
- assay balance
- balance bob
- blanket strake
- blasting can
- blasting cap
- blasting cap crimper
- blasting galvanometer
- bogie
- borehole drift indicator
- boring bar
- bucketline
- bucking iron
- busting bar
- cadger
- carbide can
- casing
- casing head
- casing tester
- cement injector
- changkol
- classifier
- claying bar
- coal cutter
- continuous miner
- cribbing crib
- cutting machine
- cyanidation vat
- deflection wedge
- detonating fuse
- detonator
- dipping needle
- divining rod
- drawing lift
- drill stem
- drilling elevator
- firedamp detector
- flint mill
- flotation cell
- gad
- gadder
- grab hook
- grafting spade
- grapnel
- hoe scraper
- hydraulic monitor
- hydraulic nozzle
- ice harvesting tool
- jumbo
- lithology log
- loading machine
- man engine
- mine hoist governor
- mine locomotive
- mine support
- miner's bar
- miner's dial
- miner's pan
- miner's spoon
- mineral concentrator
- mineral crusher
- mineral separator
- mining boiler
- mining bucket
- mining cage
- mining car
- mining dredge
- mining drill
- mining hoist
- mining pick
- mining shield
- mining shovel
- mining tripod
- ore container
- phanarogrisonmeter
- photoclinometer
- pick hammer
- pressing machine
- pricker
- quarry bar
- quarrying machine
- rail bender
- riffle
- rigging bar
- rock channeler
- rope socket
- sample bottle
- sidewall sampler
- skip
- sluice fork
- slusher
- snatch plate
- snore
- spiral worm
- spring dart
- spring pole
- spud
- squib
- steam thawing point
- stretcher bar
- stuffing box
- sucker rod
- sucker rod wrench
- tamping bag
- tamping bar
- tubing tester
- tunnel carriage
- undercurrent
- wagon pinch bar
- water balance
- well bailer
- well fishing tool
- well torpedo
- Mining & Mineral Harvesting T&E
- Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials
- Subclass
Mining & Mineral Harvesting Equipment
- (opens semantic view)
- Definition
- Tools and equipment originally created for mining and mineral harvesting. This subclass also includes tools used for ice harvesting and salt harvesting.
- Definition source(s)
- American Association for State and Local History (AASLH), and Canadian Heritage Information Network / Réseau canadien d’information sur le patrimoine. 2018. “Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage des objets de musée.” September 1, 2018.
- English
- Term (International)
- Mining & Mineral Harvesting Equipment
- French
- Term (International)
- Équipement d’exploitation minière et extraction de minerais
- Date created
- 2018-07-25
- Date updated
- 2023-11-03
- Downloads
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- Date modified: