Language selection



General references

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Category 01: Built Environment Objects

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  • Cameron, Christina, and Monique Trépanier. 1986. Vieux Québec: son architecture intérieure. Mercury / Mercure 40. Ottawa, ON: National Museums of Canada / Musées nationaux du Canada.
  • Cannon, Kenneth F., and Frederick G. Hatley. 1982. Building Construction Technology: SI Metric. Toronto, ON: McGraw-Hill.
  • Carpentier, Paul. 1978. “La maison-bloc à Saint-Esprit.” In Habitation rurale au Québec, edited by Jean Claude Dupont. Cahiers du Québec 36. Montréal, QC: Hurtubise HMH.
  • Cowan, Henry J., and Peter R. Smith. 1986. Dictionary of Architectural and Building Technology. London, GB & New York, NY: Elsevier Applied Science.
  • DeCristoforo, R.J. 1977. De Cristoforo’s Housebuilding Illustrated. New York, NY: Harper & Row.
  • Dorion, Jacques. 1979. Les écoles de rang au Québec. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Dubé, Françoise. 1991. La quincaillerie d’architecture de Place-Royale. Patrimoines 71. Québec, QC: Publications du Québec.
  • Dubé, Philippe. 1985. “Deux cents ans de villégiature dans Charlevoix ou Histoire du pays visité.” Ph.D., Québec, QC: Université Laval.
  • Dupont, Jean-Claude, ed. 1978. Habitation rurale au Québec. Cahiers du Québec 36. Montréal, QC: Hurtubise.
  • Elting, John Robert. 1984. A Dictionary of Soldier Talk. New York, NY: Scribner.
  • Fleming, John, Hugh Honour, and Nikolaus Pevsner. 1991. The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture. 4 ed. Penguin Reference. New York, NY: Penguin Books.
  • Fleming, John, and Hugh Honour. 1979. The Penguin Dictionary of Decorative Arts. Penguin Reference. New York, NY: Penguin Books.
  • Forbes, J.R. 1984. Dictionnaire d’architecture et de construction : français/anglais et anglais/français | Dictionary of Architecture and Construction: French/English and English/French. Basel, DE: Lavoisier.
  • Fram, Mark, ed. 2003. Well-Preserved: The Ontario Heritage Foundation’s Manual of Principles and Practice for Architectural Conservation. 3 ed. Heritage Matters. Erin, ON: Boston Mills Press.
  • Gauthier, Raymonde. 1976. Les manoirs du Québec. Collection Loisirs et culture. Québec, QC: Fides.
  • Gauthier-Larouche, Georges. 1974. Évolution de la maison rurale traditionnelle dans la région de Québec: étude ethnographique. Archives de folklore 15. Québec, QC: Les Presses de l’Université Laval.
  • Greysmith, Brenda. 1976. Wallpaper. New York, NY: Macmillan.
  • Haggar, Reginald George. 1962. A Dictionary of Art Terms: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Engraving and Etching, Lithography and Other Art Processes, Heraldry. New York, NY: Hawthorn Books.
  • Halsted, Byron David, ed. 1977. Barns, Sheds and Outbuildings. Brattleboro, VT: Stephen Greene Press.
  • Harris, Cyril M., ed. 1977. Historic Architecture Sourcebook. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Harris, Cyril M., ed. 1983. Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
  • Harris, Cyril M., ed. 2005. Dictionary of Architecture & Construction with 2300 Illustrations. 4 ed. McGraw-Hill Companion. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Harris, John, and Jill Lever. 1978. Illustrated Glossary of Architecture, 850-1830. Faber Paperbacks. London, GB: Faber & Faber.
  • Hatton, E.M. 1979. The Tent Book: A Celebration of Tents—from Prehistory to the Future—with a Buyer’s Guide for Campers. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Humphreys, Barbara A., and Meredith Sykes. 1986. L’architecture au Canada : Guide des styles d’architecture antérieurs au XXe siècle. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • Humphreys, Barbara A., and Meredith Sykes. 1986. The Buildings of Canada: A Guide to Pre-20th-Century Styles in Houses, Churches and Other Structures. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • J.L. Mott Iron Works. 1987. Mott’s Illustrated Catalog of Victorian Plumbing Fixtures for Bathrooms and Kitchens. Illustrated catalog of Victorian plumbing fixtures for bathrooms and kitchens. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
  • King, Thomas B. 1987. Glass in Canada. Erin, ON: Boston Mills Press.
  • Laframboise, Yves. 1975. L’architecture traditionnelle au Québec : glossaire illustré de la maison aux 17e et 18e siècles. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Lefebvre, Marcel. 1965. Building Terms Dictionary. Montréal, QC: Éditions Leméac.
  • Lefebvre, Marcel. 1965. Dictionnaire du bâtiment. Montréal, QC: Éditions Leméac.
  • Lefebvre, Marcel. 1971. Building Terms Dictionary (New). 2 ed. Montréal, QC: Éditions Leméac.
  • Lefebvre, Marcel. 1971. Dictionnaire du bâtiment (nouveau). 2 ed. Montréal, QC: Éditions Leméac.
  • Lessard, Michel, and Huguette Marquis. 1972. Encyclopédie de la maison québécoise : 3 siècles d’habitation. Encyclopédies de l’Homme 4. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’homme.
  • Lessard, Michel. 1971. Encyclopédie des antiquités du Québec : trois siècles de production artisanale. 1 ed. Encyclopédies de l’Homme 2. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Lessard, Michel. 1995. Antiquités du Québec : objets anciens, vie sociale et culturelle. Encyclopédies de l’Homme. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Léonidoff, Georges-Pierre. 1978. “Architecture traditionnelle de camps forestiers.” In Habitation rurale au Québec, edited by Jean Claude Dupont. Cahiers du Québec 36. Montréal, QC: Hurtubise HMH.
  • Maddex, Diane, ed. 1985. Built in the U.S.A.: American Buildings from Airports to Zoos. Washington, DC: Preservation Press.
  • Martin, Judy. 1986. Longman Dictionary of Art: Handbook of Terms, Techniques, Materials, Equipment and Processes. Harlow, GB: Longman.
  • McKinnon, Sarah Morgan. 1977. Traditional Rural Architecture in Quebec: 1600-1800. Major Report 9. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Centre for Urban and Community Studies.
  • Miville-Deschênes, François. 1979. Glossaire de termes de quincaillerie d’architecture. Research Bulletin / Bulletin de recherches 102. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada.
  • Miville-Deschênes, François. 1979. Glossary of Terms Relating to Architectural Hardware. Research Bulletin / Bulletin de recherches 102. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada.
  • Moogk, Peter N. 1977. Building a House in New France: An Account of the Perplexities of Client & Craftsmen in Early Canada. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart.
  • Moss, Roger W. 1981. Century of Color: Exterior Decoration for American Buildings, 1820-1920. Watkins Glen, NY: American Life Foundation.
  • Moss, Roger W., and Gail Caskey Winkler. 1987. Victorian Exterior Decoration: How to Paint Your Nineteenth-Century American House Historically. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Co.
  • Moss, Roger W., and Gail Caskey Winkler. 1992. Victorian Exterior Decoration: How to Paint Your Nineteenth-Century American House Historically. New York, NY: H. Holt.
  • Noppen, Luc, Claude Paulette, and Michel Tremblay. 1989. Québec : trois siècles d’architecture. 3 ed. Montréal, QC: Libre Expression.
  • Noppen, Luc. 1980. Les églises du Québec (1600-1850). Loisirs et culture. Québec, QC: Fides.
  • Putnam, Robert E. 1984. Builder’s Comprehensive Dictionary. Reston, VA: Reston.
  • Pérouse de Montclos, Jean-Marie. 2007. Architecture : méthode et vocabulaire. Principes d’analyse scientifique. Paris, FR: Ministère des affaires culturelles.
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  • Rainville, Alain. 1977. Le four à pain à Québec, aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Vol. II. Travail inédit 235. Québec, QC: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • Reynolds, John. 1970. Windmills and Watermills. Excursions into Architecture. New York, NY: Praeger Publishers.
  • Russell and Erwin Manufacturing Company. 1980. Illustrated Catalogue of American Hardware of the Russell and Erwin Manufacturing Company: An Unabridged Reprint of the 1865 Edition and a New Introduction by Lee H. Nelson. Ottawa, ON: Association for Preservation Technology.
  • Sloane, Eric. 1976. Our Vanishing Landscape. New York, NY: Ballantine.
  • Smit, Kornelis, ed. 1985. Means Illustrated Construction Dictionary. Kingston, MA: R. Snow Means.
  • Société centrale d’hypothèques et de logement. 1965. Dictionnaire des termes de construction. Ottawa, ON: Société centrale d’hypothèques et de logement.
  • Sonn, Albert H. 1979. Early American Wrought Iron. With Three Hundred and Twenty Plates from Drawings by the Author. New York, NY: Bonanza Books.
  • Sturgis, Russell. 1901. A Dictionary of Architecture and Building, Biographical, Historical, and Descriptive. New York, NY: Macmillan Educational.
  • Sutton, William R.G. 1984. Building Construction. Toronto, ON: Wiley.
  • Séguin, Robert-Lionel. 1976. Les granges du Québec du XVIIe au XIXe siècle. Bulletins d’histoire 2. Montréal, QC: Quinze.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1858. Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle I : Abaque - Aronde. Vol. 1. 10 vol. Paris, FR: A. Morel.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1858. Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle II : Arts - Chapiteau. Vol. 2. 10 vol. Paris, FR: A. Morel.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1858. Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle III : Charnier - Console. Vol. 3. 10 vol. Paris, FR: A. Morel.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1858. Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle IV : Construction - Cyborium. Vol. 4. 10 vol. Paris, FR: A. Morel.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1858. Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle IX : Tabernacle - Zodiaque. Vol. 9. 10 vol. Paris, FR: A. Morel.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1858. Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle V : Dais - Fut. Vol. 5. 10 vol. Paris, FR: A. Morel.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1858. Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle VI : Gâble - Ouvrier. Vol. 6. 10 vol. Paris, FR: A. Morel.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1858. Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle VII : Palais - Puits. Vol. 7. 10 vol. Paris, FR: A. Morel.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1858. Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle VIII : Quai - Synagogue. Vol. 8. 10 vol. Paris, FR: A. Morel.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1858. Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle VIII : Table analytique des mots contenus dans les 9 volumes. Vol. 10. 10 vol. Paris, FR: A. Morel.
  • Ware, Dora, and Betty Beatty. 1945. A Short Dictionary of Architecture, Including Some Common Building Terms. New York, NY: Philosophical Library.
  • Ware, Dora, and Betty Beatty. 1961. A Short Dictionary of Architecture, Including Some Common Building Terms. 3 ed. London, GB: Allen & Unwin.
  • Weiss, Lillian. 1973. The Concise Dictionary of Interior Decorating. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
  • Whiffen, Marcus. 1969. American Architecture Since 1780: A Guide to the Styles. 2 ed. American Studies Collection. Cambridge, MA: Massachussets Institute of Technology Press.
  • Williams, T. Jeff. 1984. How to Replace & Install Doors & Windows. Ortho Library. San Francisco, CA: Ortho Books.
  • Wilson, Roy P. 1975. The Beautiful Old Houses of Quebec. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto.
  • Wright, Lawrence. 1960. Clean and Decent: The Fascinating History of the Bathroom & the Water Closet and of Sundry Habits, Fashions & Accessories of the Toilet, Principally in Great Britain, France & America. New York, NY: Viking Press.
  • Zevi, Bruno. 1978. The Modern Language of Architecture. . Translated by Ronald Strom and William A. Packer. Canberra, AU: Australian National University Press.

Building Components

  • Alth, Max. 1972. All About Locks and Locksmithing. 2 ed. New York, NY: Hawthorn Books.
  • Arthur, Eric Ross, and Thomas Ritchie. 1982. Iron: Cast and Wrought Iron in Canada from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  • Arthur, Eric Ross, and Thomas Ritchie. 1985. Le fer : fer forgé et pièces moulées au Canada du dix-septième siècle à nos jours. La Prairie, QC: Éditions Marcel Broquet.
  • Binstead, Herbert Ernest. 1984. The Fully Illustrated Book of Decorative Details from Major Architectural Styles. Albuquerque, NM: The Foundation for Classical Reprints.
  • Briggs, Martin Shaw. 1969. Everyman’s Concise Encyclopædia of Architecture. With Line Drawings byt the Author and 32 pages of photographs. Everyman’s Reference Library. London, GB: Dent & Dutton.
  • Cannon, Kenneth F., and Frederick G. Hatley. 1982. Building Construction Technology: SI Metric. Toronto, ON: McGraw-Hill.
  • Cowan, Henry J., and Peter R. Smith. 1986. Dictionary of Architectural and Building Technology. London, GB & New York, NY: Elsevier Applied Science.
  • DeCristoforo, R.J. 1977. De Cristoforo’s Housebuilding Illustrated. New York, NY: Harper & Row.
  • Greysmith, Brenda. 1976. Wallpaper. New York, NY: Macmillan.
  • Harris, Cyril M., ed. 1977. Historic Architecture Sourcebook. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Harris, Cyril M., ed. 1983. Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
  • Harris, Cyril M., ed. 2005. Dictionary of Architecture & Construction with 2300 Illustrations. 4 ed. McGraw-Hill Companion. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Harris, John, and Jill Lever. 1978. Illustrated Glossary of Architecture, 850-1830. Faber Paperbacks. London, GB: Faber & Faber.
  • J.L. Mott Iron Works. 1987. Mott’s Illustrated Catalog of Victorian Plumbing Fixtures for Bathrooms and Kitchens. Illustrated catalog of Victorian plumbing fixtures for bathrooms and kitchens. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
  • Jousse, Mathurin. 1702. L’art de charpenterie de Mathurin Jousse , corrigé et augmenté... de ce qu’il y a de plus curieux dans cet art, et des machines les plus nécessaires à un charpentier. Paris, FR: T. Moette.
  • McKinnon, Sarah Morgan. 1977. Traditional Rural Architecture in Quebec: 1600-1800. Major Report 9. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Centre for Urban and Community Studies.
  • Moogk, Peter N. 1977. Building a House in New France: An Account of the Perplexities of Client & Craftsmen in Early Canada. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart.
  • Moss, Roger W. 1981. Century of Color: Exterior Decoration for American Buildings, 1820-1920. Watkins Glen, NY: American Life Foundation.
  • Moss, Roger W., and Gail Caskey Winkler. 1987. Victorian Exterior Decoration: How to Paint Your Nineteenth-Century American House Historically. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Co.
  • Munier, André. 1926. L’église à notre époque. Construction, décoration, ameublement des églises I : L’église dans les siècles passés. Vol. 1. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Desclée.
  • Munier, André. 1926. L’église à notre époque. Construction, décoration, ameublement des églises II : L’église à notre époque, sa construction. Vol. 2. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Desclée.
  • Munier, André. 1926. L’église à notre époque. Construction, décoration, ameublement des églises III : L’église à notre époque, sa décoration et son ameublement. Vol. 3. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Desclée.
  • Munier, André. 1926. L’église à notre époque. Construction, décoration, ameublement des églises. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Desclée.
  • Putnam, Robert E. 1984. Builder’s Comprehensive Dictionary. Reston, VA: Reston.
  • Smit, Kornelis, ed. 1985. Means Illustrated Construction Dictionary. Kingston, MA: R. Snow Means.
  • Sturgis, Russell. 1901. A Dictionary of Architecture and Building, Biographical, Historical, and Descriptive. New York, NY: Macmillan Educational.
  • Sutton, William R.G. 1984. Building Construction. Toronto, ON: Wiley.
  • Thomas Robertson & Company. 1930. Plumbing Fixtures Edition: Catalogue H. Montréal, QC: Thomas Robertson & Company.
  • Ware, Dora, and Betty Beatty. 1945. A Short Dictionary of Architecture, Including Some Common Building Terms. New York, NY: Philosophical Library.
  • Ware, Dora, and Betty Beatty. 1961. A Short Dictionary of Architecture, Including Some Common Building Terms. 3 ed. London, GB: Allen & Unwin.
  • Whiffen, Marcus. 1969. American Architecture Since 1780: A Guide to the Styles. 2 ed. American Studies Collection. Cambridge, MA: Massachussets Institute of Technology Press.
  • Williams, T. Jeff. 1984. How to Replace & Install Doors & Windows. Ortho Library. San Francisco, CA: Ortho Books.
  • Wilson, Roy P. 1975. The Beautiful Old Houses of Quebec. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto.

Site Features

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  • Adam-Villeneuve, Francine, and Cyrille Felteau. 1978. Les moulins à eau de la vallée du Saint-Laurent. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Adams, William Henry Davenport. 1870. Lighthouses and Lightships: A Descriptive and Historical Account of Their Mode of Construction and Organization. New York, NY: Scribner.
  • Assiniwi, Bernard. 1973. Lexique des noms indiens en Amérique I : Noms géographiques. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Ni-t’chawama / Mon ami, mon frère. Montréal, QC: Leméac.
  • Assiniwi, Bernard. 1973. Lexique des noms indiens en Amérique II : Personnages historiques. Vol. 2. 2 vol. Ni-t’chawama / Mon ami, mon frère. Montréal, QC: Leméac.
  • Baird, Donal M. 1986. The Story of Firefighting in Canada. Erin, ON: Boston Mills Press.
  • Barber, Giles Gaudard, ed. 1973. Book Making in Diderot’s Encyclopédie: A Facsimile Reproduction of Articles and Plates. Farnborough, GB: Gregg International.
  • Barbier, Maurice, Roger Cadiergues, Gustave Stoskopf, and Janine Flitz. 1976. Dictionnaire technique du bâtiment et des travaux publics. 6 ed. Paris, FR: Eyrolles.
  • Bergeron, Michel, and Paul-Aimé Lacroix. 1979. Les dépendances agricoles à l’Île d’Orléans : une approche typologique. Dossiers 40. Québec, QC: Ministère des affaires culturelles.
  • Carpentier, Paul. 1978. “La maison-bloc à Saint-Esprit.” In Habitation rurale au Québec, edited by Jean Claude Dupont. Cahiers du Québec 36. Montréal, QC: Hurtubise HMH.
  • Dorion, Jacques. 1979. Les écoles de rang au Québec. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Dubuisson, Bernard, ed. 1959. Encyclopédie pratique de la construction et du bâtiment I : Généralités et connaissances fondamentales ; Études et travaux. Vol. 1. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Librairie Aristide Quillet.
  • Dubuisson, Bernard, ed. 1959. Encyclopédie pratique de la construction et du bâtiment II : Études et travaux (suite) ; Problèmes spéciaux. Vol. 2. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Librairie Aristide Quillet.
  • Dubuisson, Bernard, ed. 1959. Encyclopédie pratique de la construction et du bâtiment III : Voies de communications ; Équipements d’énergie ; Autres aménagements d’infrastructure. Vol. 3. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Librairie Aristide Quillet.
  • Dupont, Jean-Claude, ed. 1978. Habitation rurale au Québec. Cahiers du Québec 36. Montréal, QC: Hurtubise.
  • Gauthier, Raymonde. 1976. Les manoirs du Québec. Collection Loisirs et culture. Québec, QC: Fides.
  • Gauthier-Larouche, Georges. 1974. Évolution de la maison rurale traditionnelle dans la région de Québec: étude ethnographique. Archives de folklore 15. Québec, QC: Les Presses de l’Université Laval.
  • Halsted, Byron David, ed. 1977. Barns, Sheds and Outbuildings. Brattleboro, VT: Stephen Greene Press.
  • Hatton, E.M. 1979. The Tent Book: A Celebration of Tents—from Prehistory to the Future—with a Buyer’s Guide for Campers. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Iselin, Bernard, Yves Grousset, and Robert M. Zakovitch. 1980. Le bricolage. Votre maison des fondations à la toiture : tous les trucs de métier pour tout faire chez vous vous-même. Encyclopédie universelle. Paris, FR: Publimonde.
  • Jousse, Mathurin. 1702. L’art de charpenterie de Mathurin Jousse , corrigé et augmenté... de ce qu’il y a de plus curieux dans cet art, et des machines les plus nécessaires à un charpentier. Paris, FR: T. Moette.
  • King, Thomas B. 1987. Glass in Canada. Erin, ON: Boston Mills Press.
  • Lessard, Michel, and Huguette Marquis. 1972. Encyclopédie de la maison québécoise : 3 siècles d’habitation. Encyclopédies de l’Homme 4. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’homme.
  • Lessard, Michel. 1971. Encyclopédie des antiquités du Québec : trois siècles de production artisanale. 1 ed. Encyclopédies de l’Homme 2. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Lessard, Michel. 1995. Antiquités du Québec : objets anciens, vie sociale et culturelle. Encyclopédies de l’Homme. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Léonidoff, Georges-Pierre. 1978. “Architecture traditionnelle de camps forestiers.” In Habitation rurale au Québec, edited by Jean Claude Dupont. Cahiers du Québec 36. Montréal, QC: Hurtubise HMH.
  • Maddex, Diane, ed. 1985. Built in the U.S.A.: American Buildings from Airports to Zoos. Washington, DC: Preservation Press.
  • Moss, Roger W., and Gail Caskey Winkler. 1992. Victorian Exterior Decoration: How to Paint Your Nineteenth-Century American House Historically. New York, NY: H. Holt.
  • Noppen, Luc, Claude Paulette, and Michel Tremblay. 1989. Québec : trois siècles d’architecture. 3 ed. Montréal, QC: Libre Expression.
  • Noppen, Luc. 1980. Les églises du Québec (1600-1850). Loisirs et culture. Québec, QC: Fides.
  • Parker, John Henry. 1845. A Glossary of Terms Used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. 4 ed. Wordsworth Collection. Oxford, GB: John Henry Parker.
  • Pevsner, Nikolaus. 1979. A History of Building Types. A.W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts 19. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Reynolds, John. 1970. Windmills and Watermills. Excursions into Architecture. New York, NY: Praeger Publishers.
  • Sloane, Eric. 1954. American Barns and Covered Bridges. New York, NY: Funk & Wagnalls.
  • Sloane, Eric. 1976. Our Vanishing Landscape. New York, NY: Ballantine.
  • Sloane, Eric. 1978. An Age of Barns. New York, NY: Ballantine Books.
  • Sonn, Albert H. 1979. Early American Wrought Iron. With Three Hundred and Twenty Plates from Drawings by the Author. New York, NY: Bonanza Books.
  • Séguin, Robert-Lionel. 1976. Les granges du Québec du XVIIe au XIXe siècle. Bulletins d’histoire 2. Montréal, QC: Quinze.

Category 02: Furnishings

Furnishings - General references

  • Antique Collectors’ Club. 1977. Pictorial Dictionary of British 19th Century Furniture Design: An Antique Collectors’ Club Research Project. Woodbridge, GB: Antique Collectors’ Club.
  • Arthur, Eric Ross, and Thomas Ritchie. 1982. Iron: Cast and Wrought Iron in Canada from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  • Aubert de Gaspé, Philippe. 1878. Le Chercheur de trésors. Québec, QC: L. Brousseau.
  • Audouy, André, and Gérard Thivet. 1974. Terminologie de l’ameublement. Paris, FR: Subervie.
  • Barlow, Ronald S. 1992. A Price Guide to Victorian Houseware: Hardware & Kitchenware. Edited by Linda Campbell Franklin. El Cajon, CA: Windmill Publishing Company.
  • Boidi Sassone, Adriana, Elisabetta Cozzi, Massimo Griffo, and Alessandra Ponte. 1991. Le Mobilier du XIXe siècle en France et en Europe. . Translated by Nicole Vidal. Paris, FR: Mengès.
  • Boidi Sassone, Adriana. 1985. Le Mobilier Français du XIX siècle. Paris, FR: Larousse.
  • Boyce, Charles. 1985. Dictionary of Furniture. New York, NY: Roundtable Press.
  • Branchetti, Maria Grazia. 1994. Boîtes. Les Collections. Paris, FR: Celiv.
  • Brauch, Margot. 1980. Les petits meubles : types, styles, techniques. . Translated by Marina Peltzer and André Vanrie. Guides du collectionneur et du marché de l’art. Paris, FR: Duculot.
  • Brooke, Sheena. 1973. Hearth and Home: A Short History of Domestic Equipment in England. London, GB: Mills & Boon.
  • Brunhammer, Yvonne. 1966. Meubles et ensembles, époques Louis XIII et Louis XIV. Meubles et ensembles. Paris, FR: Massin.
  • Burckhardt, Monica. 1974. Meubles à écrire. L’amateur d’art. Paris, FR: Massin.
  • Burgess, Frederick William. 1915. Antique Furniture. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
  • Butler, Joseph T., and Kathleen Eagen Johnson. 1985. Field Guide to American Antique Furniture. A Unique Visual System for Identifying the Style of Virtually Any Piece of American Antique Furniture. Roundtable Press. New York, NY: Facts on File.
  • Canadian Tire Limited. 1988. Guide des bons achats 1988. Québec, QC: Canadian Tire.
  • Canadian Tire Limited. 1990. Bons achats 1990. Québec, QC: Canadian Tire.
  • Canadian Tire Limited. 1991. Canadian Tire Catalogue, 1991 (Printempts et été). Toronto, ON: Canadian Tire.
  • Canadian Tire Limited. 1993. Canadian Tire Catalogue, 1993. Toronto, ON: Canadian Tire.
  • Canadian Tire Limited. 1994. Canadian Tire Catalogue, 1994 (Printempts et été). Toronto, ON: Canadian Tire.
  • Centre technique du bois. 1980. Ameublement : terminologie du mobilier. Cahiers du Centre technique du bois 113. Paris, FR: Centre technique du bois.
  • Chappat, Djénane J., and Alain Finch. 1967. Éclairage et décoration, avec des dessins de Alain Finch. Poche 2242. Paris, FR: Le Livre de poche.
  • Chiasson, Anselme. 1985. L’histoire des tapis hookés de Chéticamp et de leurs artisans. Yarmouth, NS: Éditions Lescarbot.
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  • Stewart, Don R. 1967. A Guide to Pre-Confederation Furniture of English Canada. Don Mills, ON: Longmans Canada.
  • Tardieu, Suzanne. 1976. Le mobilier rural traditionnel français. La Tradition et le quotidien. Paris, FR: Aubier-Flammarion.
  • Tomlin, Maurice. 1972. English Furniture: An Illustrated Handbook. Faber Monographs on Furniture. London, GB: Faber & Faber.
  • White, Elizabeth, ed. 2000. Pictorial Dictionary of British 18th Century Furniture Design: The Printed Sources. Woodbridge, GB: Antique Collectors’ Club.

Household Accessories

  • Newman, Harold. 1977. An Illustrated Dictionary of Glass. 2 422 Entries, Including Definitions of Wares, Materials, Processes, Forms, and Decorative Styles, and Entries on Principal Glass-Makers, Decorators and Designers, from Antiquity to the Present. London, GB: Thames & Hudson.

Lighting Equipment

  • Adams, William Henry Davenport. 1870. Lighthouses and Lightships: A Descriptive and Historical Account of Their Mode of Construction and Organization. New York, NY: Scribner.
  • Darbee, Herbert C. 1976. A Glossary of Old Lamps and Lighting Devices. American Association for State and Local History Technical Leaflet 30. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History.
  • Hague, Douglas Bland., and Rosemary Christie. 1975. Lighthouses: Their Architecture, History and Archaeology. Llandysul, GB: Gomer Press.
  • Hayward, Arthur H. 1962. Colonial Lighting. 3 ed. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
  • Hebard, Helen Brigham. 1964. Early Lighting in New England, 1620-1861. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle.
  • Janneau, Guillaume. 1934. Le luminaire de l’antiquité au XIXe siècle. Arts décoratifs. Paris, FR: Flammarion.
  • McKearin, George Skinner. 1948. American Glass. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • Munderloh & Co. Limited. n.d. Electrical Supplies, Hotel Supplies, Lamps & Furniture: Catalogue No. 40. Montréal, QC: Munderloh & Co. Limited.
  • Myers, Denys Peter. 1978. Gaslighting in America: A Guide for Historic Preservation. United States Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior.
  • O’Dea, William T. 1958. A Short History of Lighting. Darkness Into Daylight. London, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Rushlight Club. 1979. Early Lighting: A Pictorial Guide. 2 ed. Rushlight Club. Boston, MA: Rushlight Club.
  • Russell, Loris Shano, and Janet Holmes. 2016. A Heritage of Light: Lamps and Lighting in the Early Canadian Home. RICH—Reprints in Canadian History. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  • Russell, Loris Shano. 1966. Lighting the Pioneer Ontario Home. What? Why? When? How? Where? Who? 12. Toronto, ON: Royal Ontario Museum.
  • Spence, Hilda Jennings, and Kelvin D. M Spence. 1966. A Guide to Early Canadian Glass. Don Mills, ON: Longmans.
  • Spillman, Jane Shadel. 1983. Glass Bottles, Lamps & Other Objects. Knopf Collectors’ Guides to American Antiques. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf.
  • Stevens, Gerald, and Edith Chown Pierce. 1957. The Edith Chown Pierce & Gerald Stevens Collection of Early Canadian Glass. Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON: Royal Ontario Museum.
  • Thwing, Leroy. 1963. Flickering Flames: A History of Domestic Lighting Through the Ages. Rushlight Club. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle.
  • Trudel, Jean. 1974. L’orfèvrerie en Nouvelle-France. Ottawa, ON: National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada.
  • Trudel, Jean. 1974. Silver in New France. Ottawa, ON: National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada.
  • Witney, Dudley. 1975. The Lighthouse. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart.
  • Woodhead, Eileen, Catherine Sullivan, and Gérard Gusset. 1984. Appareils d’éclairage dans la collection de référence d’objets d’archéologie, Parcs Canada. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • Woodhead, Eileen, Catherine Sullivan, and Gérard Gusset. 1984. Lighting Devices in the National Reference Collection, Parks Canada. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].

Temperature Control Equipment

  • Arthur, Eric Ross, and Thomas Ritchie. 1982. Iron: Cast and Wrought Iron in Canada from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  • Brooke, Sheena. 1973. Hearth and Home: A Short History of Domestic Equipment in England. London, GB: Mills & Boon.
  • Hartley, Dorothy. 1979. Food in England. London, GB: MacDonald General Books.
  • Ivins, David. 1978. The Complete Book of Woodburning Stoves. New York, NY: Drake Publishers.
  • Kauffman, Henry J. 1972. The American Fireplace: Chimneys, Mantelpieces, Fireplaces & Accessories. Nashville, TN: T. Nelson.
  • Kauffman, Henry J., and Quentin H. Bowers. 1974. Early American Andirons and Other Fireplace Accessories. Nashville, TN: T. Nelson.
  • King, Thomas B. 1987. Glass in Canada. Erin, ON: Boston Mills Press.
  • Laberge, Richard. 1980. Le petit manuel des poêles à bois. Connaissances des pays québécois. Montréal, QC: L’Aurore / Univers.
  • Ladd, Paul Revere. 1977. Early American Fireplaces. New York, NY: Hastings House.
  • Lecoq, Raymond. 1979. Les objets de la vie domestique : ustensiles en fer de la cuisine et du foyer des origines au XIXe siècle. Paris, FR: Berger-Levrault.
  • Lytle, R.J., and Marie-Jeanne Lytle. 1980. The Complete Fireplace Book: How to Build, Decorate and Use a Fireplace. Toronto, ON: Coles Pub. Co.
  • Moussette, Marcel. 1983. Le chauffage domestique au Canada : des origines à l’industrialisation. Québec, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval.
  • Reid, Jo, and John Peck. 1977. Au poêle. . Translated by Inès Heugel. Paris, FR: Chêne.
  • Reid, Jo, and John Peck. 1977. Stove book. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.
  • Ross, Bob, and Carol Ross. 1976. Modern and Classic Woodburning Stoves and the Grass Roots Energy Revival. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press.
  • Schneider, Jason. 1979. Complete Guide to Woodburning Stoves. New York, NY: Cornerstone Library.
  • Sherman, Steve. 1976. The Wood Stove and Fireplace Book. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books.
  • Twitchell, Mary. 1978. Wood Energy: A Practical Guide to Heating with Wood. Charlotte, VT: Garden Way Pub.
  • Vermette, Luce. 1977. “Les feux domestiques à Montréal, de 1740 à 1760.” M.A., Québec, QC: Université Laval.
  • Wright, Lawrence. 1964. Home Fires Burning: The History of Domestic Heating and Cooking. London, GB: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Window & Door Coverings

  • Brightman, Anna. 1968. Window Treatments for Historic Houses, 1700-1850. Preservation Leaflet Series. Washington, DC: National Trust for Historic Preservation.
  • Mathieu, Jocelyne. 1983. “Les textiles dans l’intérieur domestique : étude comparative Perche-Québec, XVIIe - XVIIIe siècles.” Canadian Folklore Canadien 5 (1-2): 38–59.

Category 03: Personal Objects

Personal Objects - General references

  • Adriaenssen, Agnes, ed. 1989. Encyclopédie de la mode Nathan. . Translated by Monique Davidson. Paris, FR: Nathan.
  • Audet, Bernard. 1980. Le costume paysan dans la région de Québec au XVIIe siècle : Île d’Orléans. Connaissance. Montréal, QC: Leméac.
  • Back, Francis. 1988. “Le capot canadien : ses origines et son évolution aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.” Canadian Folklore Canadien 10 (1-2): 99–128.
  • Barbeau, Charles Marius. 1945. Ceinture fléchée. 24. Montréal, QC: Éditions Paysana.
  • Barbeau, Charles Marius. 1954. Assomption Sash. Vol. 93. Anthropological Series / Série anthropologique 24. Ottawa, ON: National Museums of Canada / Musées nationaux du Canada.
  • Barthorp, Michael. 1987. The British Army on Campaign I: 1816-1853. Men-at-Arms 193. London, GB: Osprey.
  • Barthorp, Michael. 2003. The British Army on Campaign II: The Crimea 1854-1856. Men-at-Arms 196. Oxford, GB: Osprey.
  • Beech, S.R., P. Whorton, and J.A. Wilkins, eds. 1986. Textile Terms and Definitions. 8 ed. Manchester, GB: Textile Institute.
  • Benker, Sigmund, Renate Rieth, and Rudolf E. Huber. 1972. Liturgische Geräte, Kreuze und Reliquiare der christlichen Kirchen / Objets liturgiques, croix et reliquaires des églises chrétiennes. Glossarium artis 2. Tübingen, DE: Wissenschaftliche Kommission Dokumentationsstelle.
  • Black, J. Anderson, and Madge Garland. 1975. A History of Fashion. New York, NY: Morrow.
  • Blackstock, Pamela. 1988. “Nineteenth Century Fur Trade Costume.” Canadian Folklore Canadien 10 (1-2): 183–208.
  • Blanchette, Jean-François. 1984. “Des objets et des hommes. La culture matérielle traditionnelle au Canada.” Canadian Folklore Canadien 4 (1-2).
  • Boucher, François Léon Louis, and Yvonne Deslandres. 1983. Histoire du costume en Occident, de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Paris, FR: Flammarion.
  • Boucher, François Léon Louis. 1967. 20,000 Years of Fashion: The History of Costume and Personal Adornment. New York, NY: H.N. Abrams.
  • Boulton, James J. 1990. Uniforms of the Canadian Mounted Police. North Battleford, SK: Turner-Warwick Publications.
  • Bradfield, Nancy. 1981. Costume in Detail: Women’s Dress, 1730-1930. 2 ed. London, GB: Harrap.
  • Bradley, Carolyn Gertrude. 1954. Western World Costume, an Outline History. New York, NY: Appleton Century Crafts.
  • Brasser, Ted J. 1976. “Bo’jou, Neejee!” : regards sur l’art indien du Canada. Ottawa, ON: National Museum of Man / Musée national de l’homme.
  • Brasser, Ted J. 1976. “Bo’jou, Neejee!”: Profiles of Canadian Indian Art. Ottawa, ON: National Museum of Man / Musée national de l’homme.
  • Brinckerhoff, Sidney B. 1976. Boots and Shoes of the Frontier Soldier, 1865-1893. Museum Monograph 7. Tucson, AZ: Arizona Historical Society.
  • Buck, Anne. 1970. Victorian Costume and Costume Accessories. The Victorian Collection. New York, NY: Universe Books.
  • Buck, Anne. 1979. Dress in Eighteenth-Century England. New York, NY: Holmes & Meier.
  • Carman, William Young. 1977. A Dictionary of Military Uniform. London, GB: B.T. Batsford.
  • Chappell, Mike. 1987. The British Soldier in the 20th Century. Hatherleigh, GB: Wessex Military Pub.
  • Charlebois, Mariette. 1985. Dentelles liturgiques du Québec, 1865-1965. Coaticook, QC: Musée Beaulne.
  • Chartrand, René. 1988. “The Winter Costume of Soldiers in Canada.” Canadian Folklore Canadien 10 (1-2): 155–81.
  • Collard, Eileen. 1969. Early Clothing in Southern Ontario. Burlington, ON: Mississauga Press.
  • Cunnington, Cecil Willett, and Phillis Emily Cunnington. 1965. A Dictionary of English Costume, 900-1900. Reprint. London, GB: Adam & Charles Black.
  • Cunnington, Cecil Willett, and Phillis Emily Cunnington. 1972. Handbook of English Costume in the Eighteenth Century. 2 ed. Boston, MA: Plays.
  • Cunnington, Cecil Willett, and Phillis Emily Cunnington. 1992. The History of Underclothes. New York, NY: Dover.
  • Cunnington, Phillis Emily, and Anne Buck. 1965. Children’s Costume in England: From the Fourteenth to the End of the Nineteenth Century. London, GB: Adam & Charles Black.
  • Cunnington, Phillis Emily, and Catherine Lucas. 1967. Occupational Costume in England from the Eleventh Century to 1914. New York, NY: Barnes & Noble.
  • Dammann, Gordon. 1983. A Pictorial Encyclopedia of Civil War Medical Instruments and Equipment. Missoula, MT: Pictorial Histories Publishing Co.
  • Davenport, Millia. 1964. The Book of Costume. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • De Marly, Diana. 1986. Working Dress: A History of Occupational Clothing. London, GB: B.T. Batsford.
  • Delpierre, Madeleine, and Fabienne Falluel. 1979. Modes enfantines, 1750 - 1950. Paris, FR: Musée de la mode et du costume.
  • Dolan, Maryanne. 1984. Vintage Clothing: 1880-1960: Identification & Value Guide. Florence, AL: Books Americana.
  • Du Roselle, Bruno. 1980. La mode. Notre siècle. Paris, FR: Imprimerie nationale.
  • Dupont, Jean-Claude, and Jacques Mathieu, eds. 1981. Les Métiers du cuir. Ethnologie de l’Amérique française. Québec, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval.
  • Dupré, Céline. 1984. Terminologie technique et industrielle : vocabulaire de l’habillement français-anglais. Cahiers de l’Office de la langue française. Québec, QC: Office de la langue française.
  • E.V. Roddin & Company. 1888. E.V. Roddin & Co.: Manufacturing Jewelers and Diamond Importers ; Dealers in Diamonds, Watches, Fine Jewelry and Silverware. Annual Catalogue 32. E.V. Roddin.
  • E.V. Roddin & Company. 1971. Jewelry, Watches, and Silverware; Bracelets, Studs, Toothpicks, Paper Cutters, Earrings, Thimbles, Charms, Chains, Pins, Plush Boxes, Silver Plated Ware, Tortoise Combs, Hair Pins, Badges and Medals, Rings. American Historical Catalog Collection. Princeton, NJ: Pyne Press.
  • Ewing, Elizabeth. 1977. History of Children’s Costume. New York, NY: Scribner.
  • Fairholt, Frederick William, and Harold Arthur Lee-Dillon Dillon. 1896. Costume in England: A History of Dress to the End of the Eighteenth Century. 4 ed. Bohn’s Artists’ Library. London, GB: George Bell.
  • Farnfield, Carolyn A., and P.J. Alvey, eds. 1975. Textile Terms and Definitions. Manchester, GB: Textile Institute.
  • Fenwick, Millicent. 1948. Vogue’s Book of Etiquette: A Complete Guide to Traditional Forms and Modern Usage. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.
  • Flower, Margaret Cameron Coss. 1973. Victorian Jewellery. New and revised. South Brunswick, NJ: A.S. Barnes.
  • Fosten, Bryan. 1992. Wellington’s Infantry I. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Men-at-Arms 114. Oxford, GB: Osprey.
  • Fosten, Bryan. 1992. Wellington’s Infantry II. Vol. 2. 2 vol. Men-at-Arms 119. Oxford, GB: Osprey.
  • Gehret, Ellen J. 1976. Rural Pennsylvania Clothing: Being a Study of the Wearing Apparel of the German and English Inhabitants, Both Men and Women, Who Resided in Southeastern Pennsylvania in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century: Also Including Sewing Instructions and Patterns Which Are Profusely Illustrated. York, GB: Liberty Cap Books.
  • Gere, Charlotte, and Hugh Tait, eds. 1978. The Jeweller’s Art: An Introduction to the Hull Grundy Gift to the British Museum. London, GB: British Museum Publications.
  • Ginsburg, Madeleine, Avril Hart, and Valerie D. Mendes. 1984. Four Hundred Years of Fashion. Edited by Natalie Rothstein. London, GB: Victoria and Albert Museum & William Collins.
  • Gorsline, Douglas W. 1952. What People Wore: A Visual History of Dress from Ancient Times to Twentieth-Century America. New York, NY: Viking Press.
  • Gregorietti, Guido. 1969. Jewelry Through the Ages. New York, NY: American Heritage.
  • Guillemard, Colette. 1991. Les mots du costume. Le Français retrouvé 24. Paris, FR: Belin.
  • Harrison, Julia D., ed. 1988. The Spirit Sings: Artistic Traditions of Canada’s First Peoples. A Catalogue of the Exhibition. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart.
  • Hartman, Sheryl. 1988. Indian Clothing of the Great Lakes, 1740-1840. Ogden, VT: Eagle’s View Publishing Company.
  • Hook, Jason. 1985. The American Plains Indians. Men-at-Arms 163. London, GB: Osprey.
  • Hook, Jason. 1987. The Apaches. Men-at-Arms 186. London, GB: Osprey.
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  • Issenman, Betty, and Catherine Rankin. 1988. Ivalu : Traditions des vêtements Inuits. Montréal, QC: Musée McCord d’histoire canadienne.
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  • Klinger, Robert L., and Richard A. Wilder. 1970. The American soldier, 1775-1781. Sketch Book 76. Arlington, VA: Cooper-Treant.
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Personal Gear

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  • Alexander, Hélène. 1984. Fans. London, GB: Batsford.
  • Chambers, Helen G., and Verna Moulton. 1961. Clothing Selection: Fashions, Figures, Fabrics. Chicago, IL: Lippincott.
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Toilet Articles

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Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials

Tools & Equipment for Materials - General references

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Fiberworking T&E

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  • Séguin, Robert-Lionel. 1972. Ethnologie québécoise I. Vol. 1. Cahiers du Québec 7. Montréal, QC: Hurtubise HMH.

Glass, Plastics & Clayworking T&E

  • Barbier, Elisabeth T. 1978. Métiers disparus : édition comportant 70 planches avec notes explicatives tirées de “l’Encyclopédie Diderot”. Encyclopédie Diderot. Paris, FR: Baudouin.
  • Bender, Lionel. 1991. Inventeurs et inventions. Les yeux de la découverte. Paris, FR: Gallimard.
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  • Berlye, Milton K. 1983. The Encyclopedia of Working with Glass. Revised. New York, NY: Everest House.
  • Blondel, Nicole, and Odile Leconte. 2014. Céramique : vocabulaire technique. Paris: Éditions du Patrimoine.
  • Cantin, Claudette, Danièle Richard, and Thérèse Trudel. 1990. Rudiments d’arts plastiques. Multi-arts. Montréal, QC: Centre éducatif et culturel.
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  • Creekmore, Betsey Beeler. 1968. Traditional American Crafts: How to Make Candles, Dolls, Toys, Embroidered Pictures, Braided Rugs, Flowers, Feather, Wax, Shell, Pressed, Dried, Paper, Lace, Decoupage, Silhouettes, Quillwork, Montages, Painting on Velvet, Glass, Tin, Wood, and Hundreds More! New York, NY: Hearthside Press.
  • D’Estaing, Robert. 1963. Verre, glaces et cristaux. Merveilles de la vie. Paris, FR: J. Dupuis, Fils & Cie.
  • Fournier, Robert. 1977. Illustrated Dictionary of Practical Pottery. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
  • Godin, Christine. 1981. “L’exercice du métier de potier par les Dion de l’Ancienne-Lorette : de l’artisanat à la manufacture, 1850-1915.” M.A., Québec, QC: Université Laval.
  • Hamilton, David. 1982. The Thames & Hudson Manual of Pottery and Ceramics. Thames & Hudson Manuals. London, GB: Thames & Hudson.
  • Jones, Olive, and Catherine Sullivan. 1985. Glossaire du verre de Parcs Canada décrivant les contenants, la verrerie de table, les dispositifs de fermeture et le verre plat. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
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  • Kendrick, Grace. 1976. The Antique Bottle Collector. New York, NY: Pyramid Books.
  • Ketchum, William C. 1975. A Treasury of American Bottles. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill.
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  • King, Thomas B. 1987. Glass in Canada. Erin, ON: Boston Mills Press.
  • Kulasiewicz, Frank. 1974. Glassblowing. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill.
  • Littleton, Harvey K. 1980. Glassblowing: A Search for Form. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
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  • McKearin, George Skinner, and Helen McKearin. 1968. American Glass. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
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  • Pomerleau, Jeanne. 1990. Métiers ambulants d’autrefois. Littératures. Montréal, QC: Guérin.
  • Powell, Elizabeth A. 1972. Pennsylvania Pottery: Tools and Processes. Doylestown, PA: Bucks County Historical Society.
  • Robitaille, Ludger, and Louis-Alexandre Bélisle. 1949. Peinture, vitrerie, isolation. Art, métiers et technologie 5. Québec, QC: Bélisle Éditeur.
  • Savage, George, and Harold Newman. 1974. An Illustrated Dictionary of Ceramics. London, GB: Thames & Hudson.
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  • Turoff, Muriel Pargh. 1949. How to Make Pottery and Other Ceramic Ware. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • Unitt, Doris, and Peter Unitt. 1972. Bottles in Canada. 4 ed. Peterborough, ON: Clock House.
  • Wilkinson, Rosemary. 1968. The Hallmarks of Antique Glass. London, GB: Madley.
  • Zerwick, Chloe. 1980. A Short History of Glass. Corning, NY: Corning Museum of Glass.

Leather, Horn & Shellworking T&E

  • Aubrée, Étienne. 1948. L’Industrie de la chaussure à Fougères : son origine et son évolution. Chronique de Fougères 8. Fougères, FR: Le Cénacle.
  • Beausoleil, Oscar. 1949. Reliure - Dorure. 2 ed. Les livres jaunes 13. Paris, FR: Éditions Techniques.
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  • Boudreau, Norman J., ed. 1974. Les Athabascans : ces étrangers du Nord. Ottawa, ON: National Museums of Canada / Musée nationaux du Canada.
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  • Brochu, René, and Jean-Pierre Héry. 1996. Leather, A Tradition / Le cuir, une tradition. Trois-Rivières, QC: Musée des arts et traditions populaires du Québec.
  • Cajolet-Laganière, Hélène, N. Maillet, M. Renaud, and A. Beauregard. 1988. La Chaussure : outils. Québec, QC: Office de la langue française.
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  • Delahaye, Francine. 1980. L’Atelier du cuir. Manu-Presse. Paris, FR: Dessain & Tolra.
  • Desprez, François. 1949. L’apprenti cordonnier : Cours de technologie en 3 parties. Paris, FR: Moniteur de la cordonnerie.
  • Dupont, Jean-Claude, and Jacques Mathieu, eds. 1981. Les Métiers du cuir. Ethnologie de l’Amérique française. Québec, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval.
  • Edwards, Steven M. 1974. The Art of Working with Leather. Chilton’s Creative Crafts Series. Radnor, PA: Chilton Book Co.
  • Garnes, Jane E. 1986. The Complete Handbook of Leathercrafting. Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing Company.
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  • Issenman, Betty, and Catherine Rankin. 1988. Ivalu: Traditions of Inuit Clothing. Montréal, QC: McCord Museum of Canadian History.
  • Jutras, V.-P. 1914. “Vieux parler Canadien : cordonerie domestique chez l’habitant d’il y a cinquante ans passés (à La-Baie-du-Febvre).” Bulletin du parler français au Canada 13 (1-2): 25–37, 75–82.
  • Kellogg, Kathy. 1984. Home Tanning & Leathercraft Simplified. Charlotte, VT: Williamson Pub. Co.
  • Kinable, Joseph. 1889. “Glossaire technologique wallon-français du cordonnier.” Bulletin de la société liégeoise de littérature wallonne 24: 275–93.
  • Labelle, Ronald. 1979. Tanneurs et tanneries du Bas-Saint-Laurent (1900-1930). Mercury / Mercure 28. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa Press.
  • Lamontagne, Hector. n.d. Catalogue général no. 24 — Cuir: Harnais, colliers, selles, bouclerie et harnacherie, fournitures pour cordonnerie. Montréal, QC: Hector Lamontagne.
  • Learoyd, Stan. 1983. The Conservation and Restoration of Antique Furniture. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co.
  • Martin, Michel, ed. 1977. Coordonnerie traditionnelle. Québec, QC: Ministere des affaires culturelles.
  • Massicotte, Édouard-Zotique. 1924. “Souliers sauvages et souliers de boeufs.” Edited by Pierre-Georges Roy. Bulletin des recherches historiques 30 (11): 379–82.
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  • Middleton, Bernard C. 1972. The Restoration of Leather Bindings. Conservation of Library Materials 2. Chicago, IL: American Library Association.
  • Miles, Charles. 1963. Indian and Eskimo Artifacts of North America. New York, NY: Bonanza Books.
  • Moreau, François. 1985. Travail du cuir. Vie active. Paris, FR: Dessain & Tolra.
  • Newman, Peter C. 1989. Empire of the Bay: An Illustrated History of the Hudson’s Bay Company. Edited by John Geiger. New York, NY & Toronto, ON: Viking Press & Madison Press Books.
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  • Oakes, Jillian E. 1991. Copper and Caribou Inuit Skin Clothing Production. Mercury / Mercure 118. Hull, QC: Canadian Museum of History.
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  • Salaman, Raphael Arthur. 1986. Dictionary of Leather-Working Tools, c. 1750-1950, and the Tools of Allied Trades. London, GB: Allen & Unwin.
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  • Simard, Hélène. 1976. Trois générations de cordonniers à Saint-Jean-Port-Joli. Mercury / Mercure 16. Ottawa, ON: National Museums of Canada / Musée nationaux du Canada.
  • Swann, June. 1975. A History of Shoe Fashions. Northampton, GB: Northampton Museums and Art Gallery.
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  • Young, Laura S., and John, III Hurt Whitehead. 1981. Bookbinding & Conservation by Hand: A Working Guide. New York, NY: R.R. Bowker.

Masonry & Stoneworking T&E

  • Adams, Jeannette T. 1979. The Complete Concrete, Masonry, and Brick Handbook. New York, NY: Arco Publications.
  • Aladenise, Victor. 1983. Technologie de la taille de pierre. Paris, FR: Librairie du Compagnonnage.
  • Alth, Max, and Carl J. De Groote. 1978. Masonry and Concrete Work. New York, NY: Popular Science.
  • Barbier, Maurice, Roger Cadiergues, Gustave Stoskopf, and Janine Flitz. 1976. Dictionnaire technique du bâtiment et des travaux publics. 6 ed. Paris, FR: Eyrolles.
  • Bergeron, Michel, and Paul-Aimé Lacroix. 1988. “Classification des outils de la pierre.” In Exercices des métiers de la pierre et de l’argile, edited by Michel Bergeron, 11–171. Cahiers du CELAT 9. Sainte-Foy, QC: CELAT.
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  • Bessac, Jean-Claude. 1986. L’Outillage traditionnel du tailleur de pierre : de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Revue archéologique Narbonnaise 14. Paris, FR: CNRS.
  • Brann, Donald R. 1971. Bricklaying Simplified. Revised. Easi-bild Simplified Directions 668. Briarcliff Manor, NY: Directions Simplified.
  • British Standards Institution. 1992. “Glossary of building and civil engineering terms: Masonry & Stone.” In British Standard Glossary of Building and Civil Engineering Terms, 18. British Standards Series, BS 6100-5-5.2:1984. London, GB: British Standards Institution.
  • Bucksch, Herbert. 1962. Dictionnaire pour les travaux publics, le batiment et l’equipement des chantiers de construction. Paris, FR: Eyrolles.
  • Bélisle, Jean. 1977. La maçonnerie d’époque aux Trois-Rivières. Travail inédit 265. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • Canadian Standards Association, and Standards Council of Canada. 1978. Masonry Design and Construction for Buildings. CSA Standards CAN3-S304-M78. Rexdale, ON: Canadian Standards Association.
  • Dalzell, J. Ralph, and Gilbert Townsend. 1973. Masonry Simplified: Practical Construction. 3 ed. Vol. 2. 2 vol. Building Trade Series. Chicago, IL: American Technical Society.
  • Dalzell, J. Ralph, and Gilbert Townsend. 1973. Masonry Simplified: Tools, Materials, Practice. 3 ed. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Chicago, IL: American Technical Society.
  • Daniels, Brian, ed. 1985. Le Bricolage. Paris, FR: Gründ.
  • Desruisseaux, J. 1968. “L’industrie de la pierre à Saint-Marc-des-Carrières.” B.A., Québec, QC: Université Laval.
  • Dezettel, Louis M. 1974. Masons and Builders Library I: Concrete, Block, Tile, Terrazzo. Reprint. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Indianapolis, IN: Howard W. Sams & Co.
  • Dezettel, Louis M. 1974. Masons and Builders Library II: Bricklaying, Plastering, Rock Masonry, Clay Tile. Reprint. Vol. 2. 2 vol. Indianapolis, IN: Howard W. Sams & Co.
  • Drake, George, ed. 1977. Les Outils manuels: quand et comment les utiliser. . Translated by Guy Bélanger. Bricolage maison. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Drake, George. 1975. Hand Tools and How to Use Them. Scarborough, ON: Prentice Hall.
  • Ferro, Maximilian L. 1976. Evolution of Masonry Construction in American Architectural Styles. Downers Grove, IL: Sermac.
  • Forbes, J.R. 1984. Dictionnaire d’architecture et de construction : français/anglais et anglais/français | Dictionary of Architecture and Construction: French/English and English/French. Basel, DE: Lavoisier.
  • French, Sally, and Alice Philomena Rutherford. 1993. Reader’s Digest Book of Skills & Tools. Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s Digest Association.
  • French, Sally, and Alice Philomena Rutherford. 1994. Outils et techniques du bricoleur. . Translated by Paul Poirier, René Raymond, and Suzette Thiboutot-Belleau. Montréal, QC: Sélection du Reader’s Digest.
  • Gaumond, Michel, and Paul-Louis Martin. 1978. Les maîtres-potiers du bourg Saint-Denis, 1785-1888. Cahiers du patrimoine 9. Québec, QC: Ministère des affaires culturelles.
  • Hammond, Martin. 1981. Bricks and Brickmaking. Shire Album 75. Aylesbury, GB: Shire Publications.
  • Hens, Joseph, and Louis Bragard. 1906. “Vocabulaire de l’ardoisier à Vielsalm.” Bulletin de la société liégeoise de littérature wallonne 46: 181–91.
  • Hiller, René. 1979. Initiation à la maçonnerie. Initiation à... Paris, FR: Solar.
  • Iron Horse Antiques Inc. 1978. Catalogue 1978. 17. Poultney, VT: Iron Horse Antiques.
  • Iselin, Bernard, Yves Grousset, and Robert M. Zakovitch. 1980. Le bricolage. Votre maison des fondations à la toiture : tous les trucs de métier pour tout faire chez vous vous-même. Encyclopédie universelle. Paris, FR: Publimonde.
  • Kreh, Richard T. 1976. Masonry Skills. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  • Labelle, Ronald. 1980. “L’ethnohistoire du métier de tailleur de pierre à Saint-Marc-Des-Carrières, comté de Portneuf.” M.A., Québec, QC: Université Laval.
  • Laframboise, Yves. 1979. “Technologie traditionnelle de la taille de pierre à Québec, XVIIe et XIXe siècles.” M.A., Québec, QC: Université Laval.
  • Langlois, Jacques. 1978. Répertoire des artisans-potiers québécois, 1655-1916. Dossiers 37. Québec, QC: Ministere des affaires Culturelles.
  • Lefebvre, Marcel. 1971. Building Terms Dictionary (New). 2 ed. Montréal, QC: Éditions Leméac.
  • Lefebvre, Marcel. 1971. Dictionnaire du bâtiment (nouveau). 2 ed. Montréal, QC: Éditions Leméac.
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  • London, Mark. 1988. Masonry: How to Care for Old and Historic Brick and Stone. Respectful Rehabilitation. Washington, DC: Preservation Press.
  • Longechal, Robert, and Christian Pessey. 1979. Maçonnerie, mortier et briques. La vie en vert 8. Neuilly-sur-Seine, FR: Dargaud.
  • McGowan, John, and Roger DuBern, eds. 1991. Prentice-Hall Pocket Encyclopedia of Home Repair. Scarborough, ON: Prentice-Hall Canada.
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  • McKee, Harley J. 1973. Introduction to Early American Masonry, Stone, Brick, Mortar, and Plaster. National Trust / Columbia University Series on the Technology of Early American Building 1. Washington, DC: National Trust for Historic Preservation.
  • Newton, Joseph Fort. 1914. The Builders: A Story and Study of Masonry. New York, NY: George H. Doran Company.
  • Noël, Pierre. 1950. La pierre, matériau du passé et de l’avenir. Paris, FR: Institut Technique du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics.
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  • Putnam, Robert E., and J. Ralph Dalzell. 1974. Bricklaying: Skill and Practice. 3 ed. Chicago, IL: American Technical Society.
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  • Robitaille, Ludger, and Louis-Alexandre Bélisle. 1949. Maçonnerie, matériaux, estimation. Art, métiers et technologie. Québec, QC: Société canadienne de technologie.
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  • Time-Life Books. 1976. Masonry. Home Repair and Improvement. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books.
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Metalworking T&E

  • Agricola, Georg. 1950. De Re Metallica. . Translated by Herbert Clark Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover. New York, NY: Dover.
  • Alex Mathieson & Sons. 1975. Eighth Edition Catalogue of Alex Mathieson & Sons. 8 ed. Fitzwilliam, GB: Ken Roberts Publishing.
  • Arnold & Walker. 1976. The Traditional Tools of the Carpenter and Other Craftsmen IV. Arnold & Walker Catalogue 4. Needham Market, GB: Arnold & Walker.
  • Arthur, Eric Ross, and Thomas Ritchie. 1982. Iron: Cast and Wrought Iron in Canada from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  • Arthur, Eric Ross, and Thomas Ritchie. 1985. Le fer : fer forgé et pièces moulées au Canada du dix-septième siècle à nos jours. La Prairie, QC: Éditions Marcel Broquet.
  • Auger, Pierre, and Louis Jean Rousseau. 1981. Lexique anglais-français de l’industrie minière I : L’exploitation. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Cahiers de l’Office de la langue française 18. Montréal, QC: Ministère de l’éducation. [PDF Version].
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  • Moureau, Magdeleine. 1963. Technical Dictionary of Terms used in the Petroleum Industry / Dictionnaire technique des termes utilisés dans l’industrie du pétrole. Publications de l’Institut français du Pétrole. Paris, FR: Éditions Technip.
  • Mouret, Jean-Noël. 1994. Les outils de nos ancêtres. Paris, FR: France Loisirs.
  • Muller, Yves. 1964. Mines I. 61 ed. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Aide-mémoire Dunod. Paris, FR: Dunod.
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  • Neering, Rosemary. 1978. La Ruée vers l’or. Edited by Daniel R. Birch. Translated by Richard Bergeron. Nation en marche 7. Montréal, QC: Lidec.
  • Neese, Harvey C. 1981. Gold Mining for Recreation. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books.
  • Nelson, Archibald. 1965. Dictionary of Mining. New York, NY: Philosophical Library.
  • Nouaille, Pierre, ed. 1976. La grande aventure de l’or. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Genève, CH: Famot.
  • Nouaille, Pierre, ed. 1976. L’or et les monnaies. Vol. 2. 2 vol. Genève, CH: Famot.
  • Peele, Robert, ed. 1927. Mining Engineers’ Handbook. 2 ed. London, GB & New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Pomerleau, Jeanne. 1996. Les chercheurs d’or : des Canadiens français épris de richesse et d’aventure. Sainte-Foy, QC: Dupont.
  • Popov, Georgiĭ Nikolaevich. 1971. The Working of Mineral Deposits. . Translated by V. Shiffer. Moscow, RU: Mir Publishers.
  • Pryor, Edmund James. 1965. Mineral Processing. 3 ed. Elsevier Applied Science. New York, NY: Elsevier Applied Science.
  • Rinfret, Raoul. 1898. Le Yukon et son or. CIHM / ICMH Microfiche 16026. Montréal, QC: L.J. Tarte & Frère.
  • Romaniuk, A.S., ed. 1970. English-French Glossary of Mining and Related Terms / Glossaire anglais-français des termes miniers et du vocabulaire connexe. Information Circular, IC 245. Ottawa, ON: Ministère de l’énergie, des mines et des ressources.
  • Silversmith, Julius. 1866. A Practical Hand-Book for Miners, Metallurgists, and Assayers, Comprising the Most Recent Improvements in the Disintegration, Amalgamation, Smelting, and Parting of the Precious Ores Containing Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin, Quicksilver, Etc., Etc., with a Comprehensive Digest of the Mining Laws. 3 ed. New York, NY: Office of the American Mining Index.
  • Simonin, Louis Laurent. 1867. La vie souterraine ou les mines et les mineurs. Paris, FR: L. Hachette.
  • Société de l’industrie minérale. 1962. Aérage I. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Revue de l’industrie minérale. Paris, FR: Saint-Étienne.
  • Société de l’industrie minérale. 1962. Aérage II. Vol. 2. 2 vol. Revue de l’industrie minérale. Paris, FR: Saint-Étienne.
  • Société de l’industrie minérale. 1982. Vocabulaire de la mine souterraine. Techniques. Saint-Étienne, FR: Société de l’industrie minérale.
  • Société de l’industrie minérale. 1995. Mémento des mines et carrières : aide-mémoire de l’exploitant. Nouvelle série. Paris, FR: Société de l’industrie minérale.
  • St. John, Jeffrey. 1984. Les métaux précieux. . Translated by Marcel Bougaran. La Planète terre. Amsterdam, NL: Time-Life.
  • St. John, Jeffrey. 1984. Noble Metals. Planet Earth. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books.
  • Stevenson, Marc. 1980. Archaeological Investigations of the Kluane Gold Rush. Research Bulletin / Bulletin de recherches 146. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada.
  • Stevenson, Marc. 1980. Recherches archéologiques sur la ruée vers l’or dans la région du lac Klouane. Research Bulletin / Bulletin de recherches 146. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada.
  • Sutherland, Carol Humphrey Vivian. 1959. Gold: Its Beauty, Power, and Allure. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Sülberg, Hermann. 1991. L’or. . Translated by Evelyne Wieser. Vevey, FR: Éditions Mondo.
  • Taylor, Geoffrey Wilson. 1978. Mining: The History of Mining in British Columbia. Saanichton, BC: Hancock House.
  • Thomas, Leon J. 1978. An Introduction to Mining: Exploration, Feasibility, Extraction, Rock Mechanics. Revised. Sydney, AU: Methuen of Australia.
  • Thrush, Paul W., ed. 1968. A Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms. Special Publication. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of the Interior.
  • Vallières, Marc. 1989. Des mines et des hommes : histoire de l’industrie minérale Québécoise : des origines au début des années 1980. Québec, QC: Publications du Québec.
  • Vidal, Victor. 1961. L’exploitation des mines I : Travaux miniers. Vol. 1. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Dunod.
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  • West, Robert Cooper. 1952. Colonial Placer Mining in Colombia. Louisiana State University Studies in Social Science Series 2. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press.

Multiple Use T&E for Materials

  • Chaballe, L. Y, and J. P Vandenberghe. 1982. Elsevier’s dictionary of building tools and materials in five languages: English/American, French, Spanish, Dutch, and German. Amsterdam; New York; Oxford: Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company.

Other T&E for Materials

  • Long, Frank W. 1976. The Creative Lapidary: Materials, Tools, Techniques, Design. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Painting T&E

  • Bragonier, Réginald, and David Fisher. 1981. What’s What: A Visual Glossary of the Physical World. Mapplewood, NJ: Hammond.
  • Bragonier, Réginald, and David Fisher. 1983. What’s What: Première encyclopédie visuelle bilingue franco-anglaise. Paris, FR: Mengès.
  • British Standards Institution. 1965. “Glossary of Paint Terms.” In British Standard Glossary of Paint and Related Terms, Revised, 70. British Standards Series, BS 2015:1965. London, GB: British Standards Institution.
  • Innes, Jocasta. 1981. Paint Magic: The Home Decorator’s Guide to Painted Finishes. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
  • International Paper Co. 1979. Pocket Pal: A Graphic Arts Production Handbook. 12 ed. New York, NY: International Paper Co.
  • Keeping, Graeme G., ed. 1975. Manuel complet du bricolage. . Translated by André Daveluy and Paule Daveluy. Montréal, QC: Sélection du Reader’s Digest.
  • Keeping, Graeme G., ed. 1979. Manuel complet du bricolage. . Translated by André Daveluy and Paule Daveluy. Montréal, QC: Sélection du Reader’s Digest.
  • Lafontaine, Gerard H. 1948. Dictionary on Terms Used in the Paper, Printing and Graphic Arts Industries. Montréal, QC: Howard Smith Paper Mills.
  • Lamb, Lynton. 1970. Materials and Methods of Painting. Handbooks for Artists 8. London, GB & New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Lethiecq, paul. 1950. Initiation à la peinture en bâtiment. Office des cours par correspondance. Montréal, QC: Ministère du bien-être social et de la jeunesse.
  • Mayer, Ralph. 1975. The Painter’s Craft: An Introduction to Artists’ Methods and Materials. 3 ed. A Studio Book. New York, NY: Viking Press.
  • Mayer, Ralph. 1981. A Dictionary of Art Terms and Techniques. New York, NY: Barnes & Noble.
  • Morréel, Louis. 1967. Pratique de la peinture en bâtiment: papier peint et vitrerie. Enseignement technique et professionnel. Paris, FR: Eyrolles.
  • Palmer, Frederick. 1984. Encyclopedia of Oil Painting: Materials and Techniques. Cincinnati, OH: North Light.
  • Parramón, José María. 1986. Le Grand livre du dessin : histoire, étude, matériel, techniques, thèmes, théorie et pratique du dessin artistique. . Translated by Anne Montange. Activités artistiques. Paris, FR: Bordas.
  • Percival, Bob. 1982. The How-to-Do-It Encyclopedia of Painting & Wallcovering. How to Do It 1460. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: TAB Books.
  • Porter, John Robert. 1975. L’art de la dorure au Québec, du XVIIe siècle à nos jours. Québec, QC: Garneau.
  • Salette, Auguste. 1945. L’indispensable du peintre en bâtiment décorateur. Montréal, QC: Éditions Édouard Garand.
  • Smith, Ray. 1987. The Artist’s Handbook: The Complete Practical Guide to the Tools, Techniques and Materials of Painting, Drawing and Printmaking, with More Than 1000 Illustrations. New York, NY: Knopf.
  • Smith, Ray. 1989. Le manuel de artiste : Guide complet et pratique des outils, techniques et matértiels de peinture, de dessin, de gravure et d’impression. . Translated by Claude Lestignac. Paris, FR: Bordas.
  • Taubes, Frederic. 1971. The Painter’s Dictionary of Materials and Methods. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill Publications.
  • Taubes, Frederic. 1979. The Painter’s Dictionary of Materials and Methods. Paperback. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill Publications.
  • The Coach painter: 1880. 1983. Stony Brook, NY: Museums at Stony Brook.
  • Wheeler, Gershon J. 1974. Interior Painting, Wallpapering, and Paneling: A Beginner’s Approach. Reston, VA: Reston Publishing Company.

Papermaking T&E

  • Barber, Giles Gaudard, ed. 1973. Book Making in Diderot’s Encyclopédie: A Facsimile Reproduction of Articles and Plates. Farnborough, GB: Gregg International.
  • Blum, André. 1934. On the Origin of Paper. . Translated by Harry Miller Lydenberg. New York, NY: R.R. Bowker Co.
  • Butler, Frank O. 1901. The Story of Paper-Making: An Account of Paper-Making from Its Earliest Known Record down to the Present Time. Chicago, IL: J.W. Butler Paper Company.
  • Charland, Jean-Pierre. 1990. Les pâtes et papiers au Québec, 1880-1980 : technologies, travail et travailleurs. Documents de recherche 23. Québec, QC: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture.
  • Glaister, Geoffrey Ashall. 1960. Glossary of the Book: Terms Used in Papermaking, Printing, Bookbinding and Publishing: With Notes on Illuminated Manuscripts, Bibliophiles, Private Presses and Printing Societies. London, GB: Allen & Unwin.
  • Hunter, Dard. 1978. Papermaking: The History and Technique of an Ancient Craft. 2 ed. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
  • International Paper Co. 1979. Pocket Pal: A Graphic Arts Production Handbook. 12 ed. New York, NY: International Paper Co.
  • Lafontaine, Gerard H. 1948. Dictionary on Terms Used in the Paper, Printing and Graphic Arts Industries. Montréal, QC: Howard Smith Paper Mills.
  • Library of Congress. 1968. Papermaking: Art and Craft. Washington, DC: Library of Congress.
  • Simard, Cyril. 1988. Les papiers Saint-Gilles : héritage de Félix-Antoine Savard. Québec, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval.

Textileworking T&E

  • Albert, Lillian Smith, and Kathryn Schwerke. 1949. The Complete Button Book. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
  • Allen, Alistair, and Joan Hoverstadt. 1983. The History of Printed Scraps. London, GB: New Cavendish.
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  • Anquetil, Jacques. 1979. Teintures et impressions en réserve. Solarama. Paris, FR: Solar.
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  • Baines, Patricia. 1977. Spinning Wheels: Spinners and Spinning. London, GB: Batsford.
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  • Beech, S.R., P. Whorton, and J.A. Wilkins, eds. 1986. Textile Terms and Definitions. 8 ed. Manchester, GB: Textile Institute.
  • Ben-Yûsuf, Anna. 1992. Edwardian Hats: The Art of Millinery (1909). Edited by Robert Lee Shep. Augmented. Mendocino, CA: R.L. Shep.
  • Bernatchez, Michèle, and Ginette Perrier Harvey. 1977. La tapisserie. Formart - Histoire des métiers d’art. Québec, QC: Éditeur officiel du Québec.
  • Birrell, Verla Leone. 1976. The Textile Arts: A Handbook of Weaving, Braiding, Printing, and Other Textile Techniques. 3 ed. New York, NY: Schocken Books.
  • Bonnefoux, Pierre Marie Joseph, baron de, and Edmond Paris. 1980. Le dictionnaire de la marine à voile. 2 ed. Paris, FR: René Baudouin.
  • Brent, Martha Eckmann. 1980. “A Stitch in Time: The Sewing Machine Industry of Ontario, 1860-1897.” Material Culture Review / Revue de la culture matérielle 10 (January): 1–30.
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  • Brossard, Isabelle. 1973. Technologie des textiles. 4 ed. Bruxelles, BE: Bordas.
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  • Brown Harbeson, Georgiana. 1938. American Needlework: The History of Decorative Stitchery and Embroidery from the Late 16th to the 20th Century. New York, NY: Coward-McCann.
  • Brumbaugh, James E. 1991. Upholstering. 3 ed. New York, NY: Macmillan International.
  • Burnham, Dorothy K. 1980. Warp and Weft: A Textile Terminology. Toronto, ON: Royal Ontario Museum.
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  • Buxton-Keenlyside, Judith. 1980. Selected Canadian Spinning Wheels in Perspective: An Analytical Approach. Mercury / Mercure 30. Ottawa, ON: National Museums of Canada / Musées nationaux du Canada.
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  • Chancrin, Ernest, and Ferdinand Faideau, eds. 1926. Larousse ménager : Dictionnaire illustré de la vie domestique. Paris, FR: Larousse.
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  • Clabburn, Pamela. 1976. The Needleworker’s Dictionary. 1 ed. New York, NY: William Morrow.
  • Colton, Virginia, ed. 1976. Guide de la couture pratique et créative. . Translated by Paule Daveluy. Montréal, QC: Sélection du Reader’s Digest.
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Category 05: Tools & Equipment for Science & Technology

Tools & Equipment for Science & Technology - General references

  • Boissonnault, Réal. 1986. Cahier de mise à jour, questions reliées à la navigation au XVIe siècle. Québec, QC: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada.
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Acoustical T&E

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  • Paulin-Desormeaux, Ambroise Oilleaux. 1852. Nouveau manuel complet de l’armurier, du fourbisseur et de l’arquebusier, ou Traité complet et simplifié de ces arts I. Augmented and revised. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Librairie encyclopédique de Roret. Paris, FR: Roret.
  • Paulin-Desormeaux, Ambroise Oilleaux. 1852. Nouveau manuel complet de l’armurier, du fourbisseur et de l’arquebusier, ou Traité complet et simplifié de ces arts II. Augmented and revised. Vol. 2. 2 vol. Librairie encyclopédique de Roret. Paris, FR: Roret.
  • Paulin-Desormeaux, Ambroise Oilleaux. 1977. Nouveau manuel complet de l’armurier, du fourbisseur et de l’arquebusier, ou Traité complet et simplifié de ces arts. Augmented and revised. Manuels Roret. Paris, FR: Léonce Laget.
  • Pelletier, F. 1978. Vade mecum pour l’identification des artefacts à caractère militaire.
  • Peterson, Harold Leslie, and Robert Elman. 1971. The Great Guns. New York, NY: Grosset & Dunlap.
  • Peterson, Harold Leslie, and Robert Elman. 1972. Les armes célèbres. . Translated by Bernard Latour. Paris, FR: Hachette.
  • Peterson, Harold Leslie. 1956. Arms and Armor in Colonial America, 1526-1783. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Co.
  • Peterson, Harold Leslie. 1964. Encyclopedia of Firearms. New York, NY: Dutton.
  • Peterson, Harold Leslie. 1969. Round Shot and Rammers. Harrisburg, Pa: Stackpole Books.
  • Petit-Martinon, Charles. 1978. Les armes de chasse. Collection Sport. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Petitfrère, Ray, and Jean-René Clergeau. 1979. Histoire universelle des armes. Paris, FR: Duculot.
  • Proulx, Gilles. 1973. “Le costume et l’équipement militaires à la forteresse de Louisbourg.” M.A., Montréal, QC: Université de Montréal.
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  • Proulx, Jean Pierre. 1986. La pêche de la baleine dans l’Atlantique Nord jusqu’au milieu du XIXe siècle. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • Proulx, Jean Pierre. 1986. Whaling in the North Atlantic: From Earliest Times to the Mid-19th Century. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • Proulx, Jean Pierre. 1993. Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada.
  • Proulx, Jean Pierre. 1993. Les Basques et la pêche de la baleine au Labrador au XVIe siècle. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada.
  • Quick, John. 1973. Dictionary of Weapons and Military Terms. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Rattenbury, Richard. 1981. Management of Firearms Collections: Identification and Classification. Technical Leaflet 136. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History.
  • Reid, William. 1984. Les armes. Trésors des mécanismes. Paris, FR: Hatier.
  • Ripley, Warren. 1970. Artillery and Ammunition of the Civil War. Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
  • Robert Abels, Inc. 1950. Antique Firearms and Edged Weapons - Catalog no. 32. New York, NY: Robert Abels Inc.
  • Robson, Brian. 1975. Swords of the British Army: The Regulation Patterns, 1788-1914. London, GB: Arms & Armour Press.
  • Rosa, Joseph G., and Robin May. 1975. La passion des armes à feu : les très belles pièces des grands armuriers. Paris, FR: Gründ.
  • Saint-Pierre, Serge. 1987. “Les méthodes de chasse en Nouvelle-France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.” In Armes, chasse et trappage, edited by Jacques Mathieu and Jean-Claude Dupont, 123–239. Cahiers du CELAT 7. Québec, QC: CELAT.
  • Simoën, Jean-Claude, and Jacques Tavitian, eds. 1997. Catalogue de la manufacture d’armes et cycles de St-Étienne. Reprint. Paris, FR: Bibliothèque de l’image.
  • Stammel, Heinz Josef. 1975. Les armes à feu des pionniers. . Translated by Marie-Louise Audiberti. Redécouverte du Far West. Joinville-le-Pont, FR: D.V.A.
  • Stephens, Frederick John. 1971. A Collector’s Pictorial Book of Bayonets. London, GB: Arms & Armour Press.
  • Stevens, Gerald. 1957. The Canadian Collector: Glass, Pottery, Furniture, Firearms of the Nineteenth Century. Toronto, ON: Ryerson Press.
  • Stone, George Cameron. 1961. A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor in All Countries and in All Times, Together with Some Closely Related Subjects. New York, NY: Jack Brussel.
  • Sullivan, Catherine. 1986. Legacy of the Machault: A Collection of 18th-Century Artifacts. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • Sullivan, Catherine. 1986. L’héritage du Machault : une collection d’artefacts du XVIIIe siècle. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • Suzor, Louis Timothée. 1862. Field Exercise and Evolutions of Infantry as Ordered by Her Majesty’s Command, 1870. CIHM / ICMH Microfiche 34208. London, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Suzor, Louis Timothée. 1863. Exercices et évolutions d’infanterie tels que revisés par ordre de Sa Majesté. CIHM / ICMH Microfiche 34882. Québec, QC: G. Desbarats et M. Cameron.
  • Swettenham, John Alexander. 1972. Le crépuscule de la chevalerie. Historical Publications 6. Ottawa, ON: National Museums of Canada / Musées nationaux du Canada.
  • Swettenham, John Alexander. 1972. The Evening of Chivalry. Historical Publications 6. Ottawa, ON: National Museums of Canada / Musées nationaux du Canada.
  • Tarassuk, Leonid, and Claude Blair. 1986. The Complete Encyclopedia of Arms & Weapons: The Most Comprehensive Reference Work Ever Published on Arms and Armor. New York, NY: Bonanza Books.
  • The Museum Historical Arms. 1967. Catalogue 22. FL.
  • Thompson, Leroy. 1985. Commando Dagger: The Complete, Illustrated History of the Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press.
  • Upper Canada Historical Arms Society. 1992. The Military Arms of Canada. Historical Arms Series. Ottawa, ON: Museum Restoration Service.
  • Venner, Dominique. 1979. Les armes à feu françaises. Le livre des armes 7. Paris, FR: Jacques Grancher.
  • Viollet-Le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1998. Encyclopédie médiévale d’après Viollet-Le-duc. Edited by Georges Bernage. Reprint. Paris, FR: Bibliothèque de l’image.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1874. Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier francais de l’époque carlovingienne à la Renaissance V : Armes de guerre offensives et défensives. Vol. 5. 6 vol. Paris, FR: Bance.
  • Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. 1875. Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier francais de l’époque carlovingienne à la Renaissance VI : Armes de guerre offensives et défensives (suite). Vol. 6. 6 vol. Paris, FR: Bance.
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  • Wilkinson, Frederick. 1971. Arms & Armor. Grosset All-Color Guide 39. New York, NY: Grosset & Dunlap.
  • Wilkinson, Frederick. 1978. Histoire illustrée des armes et armures. Paris, FR: Éditions Princesse.
  • Wilkinson-Latham, John. 1967. British Military Swords from 1800 to the Present Day. Reprint. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • Wilkinson-Latham, John. 1970. Regulation Military Swords. Collector Series. London, GB: Broadway Press.
  • Wilkinson-Latham, John. 1971. British Cut and Thrust Weapons. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle.
  • Wise, Terence. 1974. European Edged Weapons. London, GB: Almark Publishing.
  • Zacharchuk, Walter, and Peter J. A. Waddell. 1984. Le recouvrement du Machault : une frégate francaise du XVIIIe siècle. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • Zacharchuk, Walter, and Peter J. A. Waddell. 1984. The Excavation of the Machault: An 18th Century French Frigate. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].

Astronomical T&E

  • Calvert, Henry Reginald. 1971. Astronomy: Globes, Orreries and Other Models. Reprint. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Science Museum Illustrated Booklet. London, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Mills, John FitzMaurice. 1983. Encyclopedia of Antique Scientific Instruments. New York, NY: Facts on File.
  • Ridpath, Ian, ed. 1979. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Space. Revised. New York, NY: Thomas Y. Crowell.
  • Von Struve, Otto Wilhelm, and Velta Zebergs. 1962. Astronomy of the 20th Century. New York, NY: Macmillan.
  • Waters, D.W., ed. 1973. An Inventory of the Navigation and Astronomy Collections in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. with a List of Instruments Used at the Royal Observatory, 1676-1950, and of Other Special Collections I: A–L. Vol. 1. 3 vol. Greenwich, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Waters, D.W., ed. 1973. An Inventory of the Navigation and Astronomy Collections in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. with a List of Instruments Used at the Royal Observatory, 1676-1950, and of Other Special Collections II: M–Z. Vol. 2. 3 vol. Greenwich, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Waters, D.W., ed. 1973. An Inventory of the Navigation and Astronomy Collections in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. with a List of Instruments Used at the Royal Observatory, 1676-1950, and of Other Special Collections III: Collections & Index. Vol. 3. 3 vol. Greenwich, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

Biological T&E

No resources available

Chemical T&E

  • Child, Ernest. 1940. The Tools of the Chemist Their Ancestry and American Evolution. New York, NY: Reinhold Pub. Corp.
  • Greenaway, Frank. 1966. Chemistry I: Chemical Laboratories and Apparatus to 1850. Vol. 1. 4 vol. Science Museum Illustrated Booklet. London, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Greenaway, Frank. 1966. Chemistry II: Chemical Laboratories and Apparatus from 1850. Vol. 2. 4 vol. Science Museum Illustrated Booklet. London, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Greenaway, Frank. 1966. Chemistry III: Atoms, Elements and Molecules. Vol. 3. 4 vol. Science Museum Illustrated Booklet. London, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Greenaway, Frank. 1966. Chemistry IV: Making Chemicals. Vol. 4. 4 vol. Science Museum Illustrated Booklet. London, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Parker, Sybil P., ed. 1993. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Chemistry. 2 ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Richardson, Lillian C., and Charles G. Richardson. 1979. The Pill Rollers: A Book on Apothecary Antiques and Drug Store Collectibles. Fort Washington, MD: Old Fort Press.

Construction T&E

  • Brooks, Hugh. 1983. Encyclopedia of Building and Construction Terms. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Bucksch, Herbert. 1962. Dictionnaire pour les travaux publics, le batiment et l’equipement des chantiers de construction. Paris, FR: Eyrolles.
  • Bucksch, Herbert. 1976. Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction Machinery and Equipment / Dictionnaire pour les travaux publics, le batiment et l’equipement des chantiers de construction : English-French. 5 ed. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Paris, FR: Éditions Eyrolles.
  • Bucksch, Herbert. 1976. Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction Machinery and Equipment / Dictionnaire pour les travaux publics, le batiment et l’equipement des chantiers de construction : Français-anglais. 5 ed. Vol. 2. 2 vol. Paris, FR: Éditions Eyrolles.
  • Dubuisson, Bernard, ed. 1959. Encyclopédie pratique de la construction et du bâtiment I : Généralités et connaissances fondamentales ; Études et travaux. Vol. 1. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Librairie Aristide Quillet.
  • Dubuisson, Bernard, ed. 1959. Encyclopédie pratique de la construction et du bâtiment II : Études et travaux (suite) ; Problèmes spéciaux. Vol. 2. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Librairie Aristide Quillet.
  • Dubuisson, Bernard, ed. 1959. Encyclopédie pratique de la construction et du bâtiment III : Voies de communications ; Équipements d’énergie ; Autres aménagements d’infrastructure. Vol. 3. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Librairie Aristide Quillet.
  • Fichten, John. 1986. Building Construction Before Mechanization. Cambridge, MA: Massachussets Institute of Technology Press.
  • Forbes, J.R. 1984. Dictionnaire d’architecture et de construction : français/anglais et anglais/français | Dictionary of Architecture and Construction: French/English and English/French. Basel, DE: Lavoisier.
  • Kenward, Caroline M., and Michael J. Roberts, eds. 1976. Construction Industry Thesaurus. 2 ed. London, GB: Property Services Agency.
  • Stein, J. Stewart. 1980. Construction Glossary: An Encyclopedic Reference and Manual. Practical Construction Guides. New York, NY: Wiley.

Electrical & Magnetic T&E

  • Benjamin, Park. 1898. A History of Electricity (the Intellectual Rise in Electricity) from Antiquity to the Days of Benjamin Franklin. Wiley Interscience. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Benjamin, Park. 1975. A History of Electricity. Reprint. History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science. New York, NY: Arno Press.
  • Dibner, Bern. 1957. Early Electrical Machines: The Experiments and Apparatus of Two Enquiring Centuries, 1600 to 1800, That Led to the Triumphs of the Electrical Age. Norwalk, CT: Burndy Library.
  • Dubuisson, Bernard, ed. 1959. Encyclopédie pratique de la construction et du bâtiment III : Voies de communications ; Équipements d’énergie ; Autres aménagements d’infrastructure. Vol. 3. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Librairie Aristide Quillet.
  • Gordon, Bob. 1984. Early Electrical Appliances. Shire Album 124. Aylesbury, GB: Shire Publications.
  • Hydro-Québec. 1983. Vocabulaire illustré des lignes aériennes de transport et de distribution d’électricité II : Les conducteurs et les isolateurs. Vol. 2. 2 vol. Québec, QC: Hydro-Québec.
  • Kirk, Raymond E., and Anthony Standen, eds. 1967. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 2 ed. Wiley Interscience. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Knapp, Friedrich Ludwig. 1848. Chemical Technology, or, Chemistry, Applied to the Arts and to Manufactures I. Edited by Thomas Richardson and Edmund Ronalds. Translated by Thomas Richardson and Edmund Ronalds. Vol. 1. 3 vol. Library of Illustrated Standard Scientific Works 3. London, GB: H. Baillière.
  • Knapp, Friedrich Ludwig. 1848. Chemical Technology, or, Chemistry, Applied to the Arts and to Manufactures II. Edited by Thomas Richardson and Edmund Ronalds. Translated by Thomas Richardson and Edmund Ronalds. Vol. 2. 3 vol. Library of Illustrated Standard Scientific Works 4. London, GB: H. Baillière.
  • Knapp, Friedrich Ludwig. 1851. Chemical Technology, or, Chemistry, Applied to the Arts and to Manufactures III. Edited by Thomas Richardson and Edmund Ronalds. Translated by Thomas Richardson and Edmund Ronalds. Vol. 3. 3 vol. Library of Illustrated Standard Scientific Works 10. London, GB: H. Baillière.
  • McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 1985. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Meadowcroft, William Henry. 1888. The ABC of Electricity. New York, NY: Frank F. Lovell & Co.
  • Meyer, Herbert W. 1971. A History of Electricity and Magnetism. Cambridge, MA: Massachussets Institute of Technology Press.
  • Munsey, Cecil. 1970. The Illustrated Guide to Collecting Bottles. New York, NY: Hawthorn Books.
  • Prevey, W. Harry, ed. 1985. Electricity, the Magic Medium. Thornhill, ON: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. [PDF Version].
  • Prevey, W. Harry, ed. 1985. L’électricité, cette prodigieuse énergie. Thornhill, ON: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Energy Production T&E

No resources available

Geological T&E

No resources available

Maintenance T&E

  • American Institute of Maintenance. 1982. Selection and Care of Cleaning Equipment Including Mechanical Maintenance. 3 ed. Latham, NY: Cleaning Management Institute.
  • Arthur, Eric Ross, and Thomas Ritchie. 1982. Iron: Cast and Wrought Iron in Canada from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  • Arthur, Eric Ross, and Thomas Ritchie. 1985. Le fer : fer forgé et pièces moulées au Canada du dix-septième siècle à nos jours. La Prairie, QC: Éditions Marcel Broquet.
  • Bates, Christina. 1982. “Blue Monday”: Processing and Technology of the Laundry in the 1840s. CIHM / ICMH Microfiche MF153. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada.
  • Berney, Esther S. 1977. A Collector’s Guide to Pressing Irons and Trivets. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • Fearn, Jacqueline. 1977. Domestic Bygones. Shire Album 20. Aylesbury, GB: Shire Publications.
  • Glissman, A.H. 1970. Evolution of the Sad-Iron. Oceanride, CA: A.H. Glissman.
  • Hardy, Jean-Pierre. 1978. Le forgeron et le ferblantier. Histoire populaire du Québec 4. Montréal, QC: Éditions du Boréal Express.
  • Jacquemotte, Edmond, and Jean Lejeune. 1904. “Vocabulaire wallon-français des lavandières et repasseuses.” Bulletin de la société liégeoise de littérature wallonne 45: 225–30.
  • Musée de Pontoise, ed. 1981. Les Fers à repasser et leur histoire. Pontoise, FR: Musée de Pontoise.
  • Perron, Wilfrid Henri. 1971. Encyclopédie du jardinier-horticulteur : embellissons nos demeures en approfondissant nos connaissances en horticulture. Encyclopédies de l’Homme 1. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Reynolds, Reginald. 1976. Cleanliness and Godliness or, the Further Metamorphosis: A Discussion of the Problems of Sanitation. Reprint. A Harvest Book, HB 335. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich.
  • Sambrook, Pamela. 1983. Laundry Bygones. Shire Album 107. Aylesbury, GB: Shire Publications.
  • Seymour, John. 1987. Arts et traditions à la maison. . Translated by Guy Letenoux and Marie-France Letenoux. Paris, FR: Chêne.
  • Seymour, John. 1987. The Forgotten Household Crafts. A Portrait of the Way We Once Lived. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf.

Mechanical T&E

  • Bucksch, Herbert. 1976. English-German Dictionary of Mechanisms. Wiesbaden, DE: Bauverlag.
  • Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. 1927. Mechanical Appliances, Mechanical Movements and Novelties of Construction. 6 ed. New York, NY: Henley Pub. Co.
  • Hiscox, Gardner Dexter. 1986. Curious Mechanical Movements. 6 ed. Bradley, IL: Lindsay Publications.
  • Knight, Edward Henry. 1880. Knight’s American Mechanical Dictionary. 3 vol. Boston, MA: Houghton, Osgood and Co.

Medical & Psychological T&E

  • Aesculap: General Surgical Catalogue 1974. 1974. Scarborough, ON: J.F. Hartz.
  • Bennion, Elisabeth. 1979. Antique Medical Instruments. London, GB: Sotheby.
  • Dammann, Gordon. 1983. A Pictorial Encyclopedia of Civil War Medical Instruments and Equipment. Missoula, MT: Pictorial Histories Publishing Co.
  • Davis, Audrey B. 1981. Medicine and Its Technology: An Introduction to the History of Medical Instrumentation. Contributions in Medical History 7. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • Domart, André, and Jacques Bourneuf, eds. 1986. Petit Larousse de la médecine (santé-hygiène). Références Larousse. Paris, FR: Larousse.
  • Fréal, Jacques. 1982. Les pots d’apothicaire en France du XVIe au XIXe siècle. Paris, FR: Garnier.
  • Girard & Godin Limitée. n.d. Catalogue de divers articles essentiels à l’entrepreneur et à l’embaumeur. Trois-Rivières, QC: Girard & Godin Limitée.
  • Guthrie, Douglas. 1945. A History Of Medicine. London, GB: Thomas Nelson & Sons.
  • Howell, Joel D. 1988. Technology and American Medical Practice, 1880-1930: An Anthology of Sources. New York, NY: Garland Publishing.
  • Jackson, W.A. 1981. The Victorian Chemist and Druggist. Shire Album 80. Aylesbury, GB: Shire Publications.
  • Lessard, Rénald. 1989. Se soigner au Canada aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Mercury / Mercure 43. Hull, QC: Musée canadien des civilisations.
  • Munsey, Cecil. 1970. The Illustrated Guide to Collecting Bottles. New York, NY: Hawthorn Books.
  • Richardson, Lillian C., and Charles G. Richardson. 1979. The Pill Rollers: A Book on Apothecary Antiques and Drug Store Collectibles. Fort Washington, MD: Old Fort Press.
  • Somlo, Jean, and Thomas Somlo. 1970. Pharmaceutical Antiques and Collectables, with Price Guide. Manchester, VT: Forward Color Productions.
  • Stevens, Gerald. 1960. Early Canadian Glass. Toronto, ON: Ryerson Press.
  • Surgical Instrument Catalog. 1970. Moonachie, NJ: Lawton Co.
  • Van Cleve, John V., ed. 1987. Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness I: A–G. Vol. 1. 3 vol. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Van Cleve, John V., ed. 1987. Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness II: H–R. Vol. 2. 3 vol. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Van Cleve, John V., ed. 1987. Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness III: S–Z, Index. Vol. 3. 3 vol. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Wilbur, C. Keith. 1987. Antique Medical Instruments: Revised Price Guide. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Pub. Ltd.

Merchandising T&E

  • Bennion, Elisabeth. 1979. Antique Medical Instruments. London, GB: Sotheby.
  • Fréal, Jacques. 1982. Les pots d’apothicaire en France du XVIe au XIXe siècle. Paris, FR: Garnier.
  • Godden, Geoffrey A. 1980. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of English Pottery and Porcelain. 2 ed. London, GB: Barrie & Jenkins.
  • Hedges, Alfred Alexander Charles. 1975. Bottles and Bottle Collecting. Shire Album 6. Aylesbury, GB: Shire Publications.
  • Jones, Olive, and Catherine Sullivan. 1985. Glossaire du verre de Parcs Canada décrivant les contenants, la verrerie de table, les dispositifs de fermeture et le verre plat. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • Jones, Olive, and Catherine Sullivan. 1985. The Parks Canada Glass Glossary for the Description of Containers, Tableware, Flat glass, and Closures. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada.
  • Kendrick, Grace. 1976. The Antique Bottle Collector. New York, NY: Pyramid Books.
  • Ketchum, William C. 1975. A Treasury of American Bottles. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill.
  • McKearin, George Skinner, and Helen McKearin. 1968. American Glass. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • McKearin, Helen, and Kenneth M. Wilson. 1978. American Bottles and Flasks and Their Ancestry. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • Mondock, Judi, and Lorin Buckner. 1974. The Canning Corner: An Encyclopedia of Canning Utensils Including Photographs, Prices and Patents. Philadelphia, PA: Judi Mondock & Lorin Buckner.
  • Munsey, Cecil. 1970. The Illustrated Guide to Collecting Bottles. New York, NY: Hawthorn Books.
  • Newman, Harold. 1977. An Illustrated Dictionary of Glass. 2 422 Entries, Including Definitions of Wares, Materials, Processes, Forms, and Decorative Styles, and Entries on Principal Glass-Makers, Decorators and Designers, from Antiquity to the Present. London, GB: Thames & Hudson.
  • Putnam, Hazel Elizabeth. 1965. Bottle Identification. Salem, OR: Old Time Bottle Publishing.
  • Revi, Albert Christian. 1964. American Pressed Glass and Figure Bottles. New York, NY: Thomas Nelson.
  • Somlo, Jean, and Thomas Somlo. 1970. Pharmaceutical Antiques and Collectables, with Price Guide. Manchester, VT: Forward Color Productions.
  • Spence, Hilda Jennings, and Kelvin D. M Spence. 1966. A Guide to Early Canadian Glass. Don Mills, ON: Longmans.
  • Switzer, Ronald R. 1974. The Bertrand Bottles a Study of 19th-Century Glass and Ceramic Containers. Publications in Archeology 12. Washington, DC: National Park Service.
  • Unitt, Doris, and Peter Unitt. 1970. Canadian Silver, Silver Plate and Related Glass. Peterborough, ON: Clock House.
  • Zumwalt, Betty. 1980. Ketchup, Pickles, Sauces: 19th Century Food in Glass. Fulton, CA: M. West Publishers.

Meteorological T&E

  • Huschke, Ralph E. 1959. Glossary of Meteorology. Boston, MA: American Meteorological Society.
  • Middleton, William Edgar Knowles. 1964. The History of the Barometer. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press.
  • Middleton, William Edgar Knowles. 1969. Invention of the Meteorological Instruments. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press.
  • Mills, John FitzMaurice. 1983. Encyclopedia of Antique Scientific Instruments. New York, NY: Facts on File.

Nuclear Physics T&E

  • Lyman, James D. 1964. Nuclear Terms: A Brief Glossary. 2 ed. Understanding the Atom. Oak Ridge, TN: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
  • Parker, Sybil P., ed. 1983. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Physics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Optical T&E

  • Bennett, Alva Herschel, ed. 1962. Glossary of Terms Frequently Used in Optics and Spectroscopy. 2 ed. New York, NY: American Institute of Physics.
  • Clay, Reginald Stanley, and Thomas H. Court. 1985. The History of the Microscope: Compiled from Original Instruments and Documents, up to the Introduction of the Achromatic Microscope. Reprint. London, GB: Holland Press.
  • Mills, John FitzMaurice. 1983. Encyclopedia of Antique Scientific Instruments. New York, NY: Facts on File.
  • Richter, Günter. 1966. Dictionary of Optics, Photography and Photogrammetry; German-English, and English-German. Amsterdam, NL: Elsevier.
  • Waters, D.W., ed. 1973. An Inventory of the Navigation and Astronomy Collections in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. with a List of Instruments Used at the Royal Observatory, 1676-1950, and of Other Special Collections I: A–L. Vol. 1. 3 vol. Greenwich, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Waters, D.W., ed. 1973. An Inventory of the Navigation and Astronomy Collections in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. with a List of Instruments Used at the Royal Observatory, 1676-1950, and of Other Special Collections II: M–Z. Vol. 2. 3 vol. Greenwich, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Waters, D.W., ed. 1973. An Inventory of the Navigation and Astronomy Collections in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. with a List of Instruments Used at the Royal Observatory, 1676-1950, and of Other Special Collections III: Collections & Index. Vol. 3. 3 vol. Greenwich, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

Regulative & Protective T&E

  • Baird, Donal M. 1986. The Story of Firefighting in Canada. Erin, ON: Boston Mills Press.
  • Da Costa, Phil. 1964. 100 Years of America’s Fire Fighting Apparatus. New York, NY: Bonanza Books.
  • Ditzel, Paul C. 1976. Fire Engines, Fire Fighters: The Men, Equipment, and Machines, from Colonial Days to the Present. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • Garvan, Anthony N. B., Carol A. Wojtowicz, and Will Brown. 1977. Catalogue of The Green Tree Collection. Philadelphia, PA: Mural Assurance Company.
  • McCosker, M.J. 1967. The Historical Collection of the Insurance Company of North America: 1792-1967. Revised. Philadelphia, PA: Insurance Company of North America.

Surveying & Navigational T&E

  • Gruss, Robert. 1978. Dictionnaire Gruss de marine. Paris, FR: Éditions maritimes et d’outre-mer.
  • Kiely, Edmond Richard. 1979. Surveying Instruments: Their History. Columbus, OH: Carben Surveying Reprints.
  • Mills, John FitzMaurice. 1983. Encyclopedia of Antique Scientific Instruments. New York, NY: Facts on File.
  • Peabody Museum. 1975. Instruments of Navigation. American Neptune 17. Salem, MA: Peabody Museum.
  • Pearsall, Ronald. 1974. Collecting and Restoring Scientific Instruments. New York, NY: Arco Publications.
  • Randier, Jean. 1978. L’instrument de marine. Paris, FR: Arthaud.
  • Randier, Jean. 1980. Marine Navigation Instruments. . Translated by John E. Powell. London, GB: J. Murray.
  • Randier, Jean. 1993. L’objet de marine. Paris, FR: Gallimard.
  • The Hughes-Owens Co. Limited: Manufacturers and Importers of Drawing Materials, Surveyors’ and Nautical Instruments. 1935. Catalogue 37. Montréal, QC: Hughes-Owens Company.
  • Uzes, Francois D. 1980. Illustrated Price Guide to Antique Surveying Instruments and Books. Rancho Cordova, CA: Landmark Enterprises.
  • Waters, D.W., ed. 1973. An Inventory of the Navigation and Astronomy Collections in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. with a List of Instruments Used at the Royal Observatory, 1676-1950, and of Other Special Collections I: A–L. Vol. 1. 3 vol. Greenwich, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Waters, D.W., ed. 1973. An Inventory of the Navigation and Astronomy Collections in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. with a List of Instruments Used at the Royal Observatory, 1676-1950, and of Other Special Collections II: M–Z. Vol. 2. 3 vol. Greenwich, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Waters, D.W., ed. 1973. An Inventory of the Navigation and Astronomy Collections in the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. with a List of Instruments Used at the Royal Observatory, 1676-1950, and of Other Special Collections III: Collections & Index. Vol. 3. 3 vol. Greenwich, GB: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
  • Wynter, Harriet, and Anthony John Turner. 1975. Scientific Instruments. London, GB: Studio Vista.

Thermal T&E

No resources available

Timekeeping T&E

  • Bailey, Chris H. 1975. Two Hundred Years of American Clocks & Watches. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Britten, Frederick James, Granville Hugh Baillie, Cecil Clutton, and Courtenay Adrian Ilbert. 1973. Britten’s Old Clocks and Watches and Their Makers. 8 ed. London, GB: Eyre Methuen.
  • Burrows, G. Edmond. 1973. Canadian Clocks and Clockmakers. Oshawa, ON: G. Edmond Burrows.
  • De Carle, Donald. 1975. Watch & Clock Encyclopedia. New York, NY: Bonanza.
  • Harris, Henry Gordon. 1972. Handbook of Watch and Clock Repairs. Revised. New York, NY: Emerson Books.
  • Jagger, Cedric. 1977. Histoire illustrée des montres et horloges. Paris, FR: Princesse.
  • Jagger, Cedric. 1988. The Artistry of the English Watch. Newton Abbot, GB: David & Charles.
  • Mannoni, Edith. 1975. Montres anciennes. L’amateur d’art. Paris, FR: Massin.
  • Mills, John FitzMaurice. 1983. Encyclopedia of Antique Scientific Instruments. New York, NY: Facts on File.
  • Ord-Hume, Arthur W.J.G. 1973. Clockwork Music: An Illustrated History of Mechanical Musical Instruments from the Music Box to the Pianola from Automaton Lady Virginal Players to Orchestrion. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • Pomerleau, Jeanne. 1990. Métiers ambulants d’autrefois. Littératures. Montréal, QC: Guérin.
  • Wyke, John. 1978. A Catalogue of Tools for Watch and Clock Makers. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia.

Weights & Measures T&E

  • Eaches, Albert R. 1972. Scales and Weighing Devices an Aid to Identification. Technical Leaflet 59. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History.
  • Fortier, Luc, and Maurice Vallée. 1980. Métiers du bois et outils anciens au Centre-du-Québec, 1815-1925. Les Cahiers de la Société historique du Centre-du-Québec 8. Drummondville, QC: Société historique du Centre-du-Québec.
  • Graham, John Thomas. 1981. Scales and Balances: A Guide to Collecting. Shire Album 55. Aylesbury, GB: Shire Publications.
  • Ingram, Arthur. 1977. Dairying Bygones. Shire Album 29. Aylesbury, GB: Shire Publications.
  • Kisch, Bruno. 1966. Scales and Weights: A Historical Outline. Yale studies in the history of science and medicine 1. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Kisch, Bruno. 1977. Scales and Weights: A Historical Outline. Reprint. Yale studies in the history of science and medicine 1. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Lyons, Albert S., and R. Joseph Petrucelli. 1978. Medicine: An Illustrated History. New York, NY: H.N. Abrams.
  • Mills, John FitzMaurice. 1983. Encyclopedia of Antique Scientific Instruments. New York, NY: Facts on File.
  • Richardson, Lillian C., and Charles G. Richardson. 1979. The Pill Rollers: A Book on Apothecary Antiques and Drug Store Collectibles. Fort Washington, MD: Old Fort Press.
  • Zupko, Ronald Edward. 1968. A Dictionary of English Weights and Measures from Anglo-Saxon Times to the Nineteenth Century. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Zupko, Ronald Edward. 1981. Italian Weights and Measures from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society 145. Philadelphia, PA: American Philosophical Society.

Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication

Tools & Equipment for Communication - General references

  • Caverhill, Learmont & Co. Limited. n.d. Quincaillerie en gros, utilités en général, outils et matériel pour chemin de fer, chantier de construction, paquebots, auto-transports, services publiques, contracteurs et industries. Montréal, QC: Caverhill, Learmont.
  • Caverhill, Learmont & Co. Limited. n.d. Wholesale Hardware Catalogue: General Supplies, Tools & Equipment. Montréal, QC: Caverhill, Learmont.
  • DiNoto, Andrea, ed. 1979. The Encyclopedia of Collectibles: Phonographs to Quilts. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books.
  • Lee Valley Tools Ltd. 1990. Garden Tools. Ottawa, ON: Lee Valley Tools Ltd.
  • Lemieux, Germain. 1982. La vie paysanne, 1860-1900. Sudbury, ON: Éditions Prise de Parole / Éditions FM.
  • Pomerleau, Jeanne. 1990. Métiers ambulants d’autrefois. Littératures. Montréal, QC: Guérin.
  • R. Timmins & Sons, and Kenneth D. Roberts. 1976. Tools for the Trades and Crafts: An Eighteenth Century Pattern Book. Fitzwilliam, NH: Ken Roberts Publishing.
  • Radio Shack. 1988. Manuel de la technologie 88. Barrie, ON: Radio Shack–Division Intertan Canada.

Data Processing T&E

  • Bates, William. 1984. The Computer Cookbook. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
  • Data Communications Inc. 1978. Buyers’ Guide, 1979. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Sippl, Charles J. 1985. Macmillan Dictionary of Data Communications. 2 ed. Macmillan Reference Books. London, GB: Macmillan.

Drafting T&E

  • Dickinson, Henry Winram. 1950. “A Brief History of Draughtsmen’s Instruments.” In Transactions of the Newcomen Society, 27:37–52. London, GB: Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of Engineering. [PDF Version].
  • French, Thomas Ewing, and Charles J. Vierck. 1972. Engineering Drawing and Graphic Technology. 11 ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Mills, John FitzMaurice. 1983. Encyclopedia of Antique Scientific Instruments. New York, NY: Facts on File.
  • The Hughes-Owens Co. Limited: Manufacturers and Importers of Drawing Materials, Surveyors’ and Nautical Instruments. 1935. Catalogue 37. Montréal, QC: Hughes-Owens Company.

Musical T&E

  • Ammer, Christine. 1987. The Harper Dictionary of Music: The Terms, History, and Biography with Illustrations. 2 ed. New York, NY: Harper & Row.
  • Apel, Willi. 1973. Harvard Dictionary of Music. 2 ed. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.
  • Backus, John. 1969. The Acoustical Foundations of Music: A Lucid Account of Its Properties, Production, Behavior, and Reproduction. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company.
  • Baines, Anthony. 1961. Musical Instruments Through the Ages. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books.
  • Baines, Anthony. 1966. European and American Musical Instruments. London, GB: Batsford.
  • Baines, Anthony. 1967. Woodwind Instruments and Their History. 3 ed. London, GB: Faber & Faber.
  • Baines, Anthony. 1978. Brass Instruments: Their History and Development. New York, NY: Scribner.
  • Baines, Anthony. 1991. Woodwind Instruments and Their History. 3 ed. Dover Books on Music. New York, NY: Dover.
  • Bielefeldt, Catherine C. 1984. The Wonders of the Piano: The Anatomy of the Instrument. Melville, NY: Belwin-Mills Pub. Corp.
  • Blackwood, Alan. 1983. New Encyclopedia of Music. London, GB: Ward Lock Ltd.
  • Blades, James. 1974. Percussion Instruments and Their History. Revised. London, GB: Faber & Faber.
  • Bohle, Bruce, ed. 1975. The International Encyclopedia of Music and Musicians. 10 ed. New York, NY: Dodd, Mead & Co.
  • Bonanni, Filippo. 1964. Antique Musical Instruments and Their Players. Dover Books on Music. New York, NY: Dover.
  • Bowers, Q. David. 1972. Encyclopedia of Automatic Musical Instruments. Vestal, NY: Vestal Press.
  • Brindle, Reginald Smith. 1970. Contemporary Percussion. London, GB: Oxford University Press.
  • Buchner, Alexander. 1961. Musical Instruments Through the Ages. London, GB: Batchworth Press.
  • Carse, Adam von Ahn. 1967. Musical Wind Instruments. Reprint. New York, NY: Da Capo Press.
  • Cooper, Martin Du Pré, ed. 1971. The Concise Encyclopedia of Music and Musicians. 2 ed. London, GB: Hutchinson.
  • Donington, Robert. 1970. The Instruments of Music. 3 ed. London, GB: Methuen.
  • Galpin, Francis W. 1976. A Textbook of European Musical Instruments: Their Origin, History, and Character. Reprint. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • Gammond, Peter. 1976. Musical Instruments in Color. Reprint. New York, NY: Macmillan.
  • Geiringer, Karl. 1978. Instruments in the History of Western Music. 3 ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Gábry, György. 1976. Anciens instruments de musique. . Translated by János Gergely. 2 ed. Budapest, HU: Corvina Press.
  • Gábry, György. 1976. Old Musical Instruments. . Translated by Éva Rácz. 2 ed. Budapest, HU: Corvina Press.
  • Hubbard, Frank. 1967. Three Centuries of Harpsichord Making. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Josephs, Jesse J. 1967. The Physics of Musical Sound. Van Nostrand Momentum Books 13. Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand Co.
  • Kartomi, Margaret J. 1990. On Concepts and Classifications of Musical Instruments. Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Kennedy, Michael, and Percy A. Scholes. 1980. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. 3 ed. London, GB: Oxford University Press.
  • La facture instrumentale. 1980. Vol. 10. Métiers d’art. Paris, FR: Société d’encouragement aux métiers d’art.
  • Marcuse, Sibyl. 1975. Musical Instruments: A Comprehensive Dictionary. 2 ed. Norton Library N758. New York, NY: Norton.
  • Marcuse, Sybil. 1975. A Survey of Musical Instruments. New York, NY: Harper & Row.
  • Markevitch, Dimitry. 1984. Cello Story. . Translated by Florence W. Seder. Princeton, NJ: Summy-Birchard Music.
  • Mason, Bernard S. 1974. How to Make Drums, Tomtoms & Rattles: Primitive Percussion Instruments for Modern Use. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
  • Mason, Bernard. 2012. How to Make Drums, Tomtoms and Rattles: Primitive Percussion Instruments for Modern Use. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
  • Midgley, Ruth, Susan Sturrock, and Linda Proud, eds. 1997. Musical Instruments of the World: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Reprint. Diagram Group. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing.
  • Paganelli, Sergio. 1970. Musical Instruments from the Renaissance to the 19th Century. . Translated by Anthony Rhodes. 2 ed. Feltham, GB: Hamlyn.
  • Paganelli, Sergio. 1988. Musical Instruments: From the Renaissance to the 19th Century. . Translated by Anthony Rhodes. Styles in Art. London, GB: Cassell.
  • Peters, Gordon B. 1975. The Drummer Man: a Treatise on Percussion. Revised. Wilmette, IL: Kemper-Peters.
  • Russell-Smith, Geoffrey. 1965. Sound Sense: The Instruments of the Orchestra and How They Work. London, GB: Boosey & Hawkes.
  • Sachs, Curt. 1940. The History of Musical Instruments. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Co.
  • Sachs, Curt. 1968. The History of Musical Instruments. Reprint. New York, NY: W.W. Norton.
  • Sadie, Stanley. 1980. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London, GB: Macmillan.
  • Sawyer, David. 1977. Vibrations: Making Unorthodox Musical Instruments. Resources of Music. Cambridge, GB: Cambridge University Press.
  • Scholes, Percy A., and John Owen Ward. 1970. The Oxford Companion to Music. 10 ed. London, GB: Oxford University Press.
  • Stauder, Wilhelm. 1957. Les instruments de musique. Petite bibliothèque Payot. Paris, FR: Petite bibliothèque Payot.
  • The Galpin Society. 1948. The Galpin Society Journal.

Photographic T&E

  • Auer, Michel. 1975. Histoire illustrée des appareils photographiques. Paris, FR: Denoël.
  • Auer, Michel. 1975. The Illustrated History of the Camera: From 1839 to the Present. . Translated by Douglas Burnell Tubbs. Boston, MA: New York Graphic Society.
  • Booth, Larry, and Robert A. Weinstein. 1977. Collection, Use, and Care of Historical Photographs. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History.
  • Coe, Brian. 1978. Cameras: From Daguerreotypes to Instant Pictures. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • Coe, Brian. 1978. L’Appareil photo, une histoire illustrée. . Translated by Daniel Gontrand. Gothenburg, SE: Nordbok.
  • Coe, Brian. 1988. Kodak Cameras: The First Hundred Years. Cincinnati, OH: Hove Foto.
  • Gernsheim, Helmut. 1969. The History of Photography from the Camera Obscura to the Beginning of the Modern Era. 2 ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Jenkins, Reese V. 1975. Images and Enterprise: Technology and the American Photographic Industry 1839 to 1925. John Hopkins Studies in the History of Technology. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Lessard, Michel. 1987. Les Livernois, photographes. Québec, QC: Musée du Québec.
  • Pomerleau, Jeanne. 1990. Métiers ambulants d’autrefois. Littératures. Montréal, QC: Guérin.
  • Reilly, James M. 1986. Care and Identification of 19th-Century Photographic Prints. Kodak Publication, G-25. Rochester, NY: Eastman Kodak Company.
  • Richter, Günter. 1966. Dictionary of Optics, Photography and Photogrammetry; German-English, and English-German. Amsterdam, NL: Elsevier.
  • Stroebel, Leslie D., and Hollis N. Todd. 1974. Dictionary of Contemporary Photography. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Morgan & Morgan.
  • Van Tulleken, Kit, ed. 1976. Le grand livre de la photographie. . Translated by Serge Ouvaroff. La photographie. Amsterdam, NL: Time-Life International.

Printing T&E

  • Barber, Giles Gaudard, ed. 1973. Book Making in Diderot’s Encyclopédie: A Facsimile Reproduction of Articles and Plates. Farnborough, GB: Gregg International.
  • Blum, André. 1935. Les origines du papier, de l’imprimerie et de la gravure. Paris, FR: Éditions de la tournelle.
  • Blum, André. 1940. The Origins of Printing and Engraving. . Translated by Harry Miller Lydenberg. New York, NY: Scribner.
  • Buchsbaum, Ann. 1975. Practical Guide to Print Collecting. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  • Dewalt, Bryan. 1995. Technology and Canadian Printing: A History from Lead Type to Lasers. Transformation 3. Ottawa, ON: National Museum of Science and Technology. [PDF Version].
  • Glaister, Geoffrey Ashall. 1960. Glossary of the Book: Terms Used in Papermaking, Printing, Bookbinding and Publishing: With Notes on Illuminated Manuscripts, Bibliophiles, Private Presses and Printing Societies. London, GB: Allen & Unwin.
  • Hornung, Clarence Pearson, and Fridolf Johnson. 1976. 200 Years of American Graphic Art: A Retrospective Survey of the Printing Arts and Advertising Since the Colonial Period. New York, NY: G. Braziller.
  • International Paper Co. 1979. Pocket Pal: A Graphic Arts Production Handbook. 12 ed. New York, NY: International Paper Co.
  • Johnson, Arthur W. 1978. The Thames and Hudson Manual of Bookbinding, with 270 Illustrations, in Color and Black and White. Thames & Hudson Manuals. London, GB: Thames & Hudson.
  • Lafontaine, Gerard H. 1948. Dictionary on Terms Used in the Paper, Printing and Graphic Arts Industries. Montréal, QC: Howard Smith Paper Mills.
  • Marzio, Peter C. 1979. The Democratic Art: An Exhibition on the History of Chromolithography in America, 1840-1900. Fort Worth, TX: Amon Carter Museum of Western Art.
  • Mayer, Ralph. 1981. A Dictionary of Art Terms and Techniques. New York, NY: Barnes & Noble.
  • Moran, James. 1973. Printing Presses: History and Development from the Fifteenth Century to Modern Times. London, GB: Faber & Faber.
  • Roberts, Matt, and Don Etherington. 1982. Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books: A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology. Washington, DC: Library of Congress.
  • Wroth, Lawrence Counselman. 1938. The Colonial Printer. Portland, ME: The Southworth-Anthoensen Press.
  • Wroth, Lawrence Counselman. 1964. The Colonial Printer. Reprint. Charlottesville, VA: Dominion Books.

Sound Communication T&E

  • Manly, Harold P., and Leslie O. Gorder. 1942. Drake’s Cyclopedia of Radio and Electronics: A Practical Reference Work: Radio Transmission and Reception, Sound Pictures, Public Address, Photocells, Television. 10 ed. Chicago, IL: F.J. Drake & Co.
  • Midgley, Ruth, Susan Sturrock, and Linda Proud, eds. 1997. Musical Instruments of the World: An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Reprint. Diagram Group. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing.

Telecommunication T&E

  • Bones, Roger A. 1970. Concise Encyclopædic Dictionary of Telecommunications. Amsterdam, NL: Elsevier.
  • Mellor, Alec. 1975. La fabuleuse aventure du téléphone. Paris, FR: Montparnasse.

Visual Communication T&E

  • Royal Canadian Sea Cadets. 1971. Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Manual. Ottawa, ON: Royal Canadian Sea Cadets.
  • Rules and Regulations for the Guidance of Lightkeepers and of Engineers in Charge of Fog Alarms in the Dominion of Canada. 1904. Ottawa, ON: Government Printing Bureau.

Written Communication T&E

Category 07: Distribution & Transportation Objects

Distribution & Transportation Objects - General references

  • Arthur, Eric Ross, and Thomas Ritchie. 1982. Iron: Cast and Wrought Iron in Canada from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
  • Arthur, Eric Ross, and Thomas Ritchie. 1985. Le fer : fer forgé et pièces moulées au Canada du dix-septième siècle à nos jours. La Prairie, QC: Éditions Marcel Broquet.
  • Blouin, Charles. 1978. “Les ponts de glace de l’Île d’Orléans.” Culture et Tradition 3: 88–107.
  • Brunhes Delamarre, Mariel Jean, and Roger Henninger. 1972. Techniques de production : transports ruraux. Edited by Jean Cuisenier. Guides ethnologiques 3. Paris, FR: Réunion des musées nationaux.
  • Commission de terminologie des transports. 1982. Petit vocabulaire des engins de chantier. Québec, QC: Ministère des transports du Québec.
  • Sanfaçon, Roland. 1956. “Le premier chemin royal de Québec à Montréal sur la rive nord du fleuve Saint-Laurent.” M.A., Québec, QC: Université Laval.
  • The Rand Mcnally Encyclopedia of Transportation With Over 400 Illustrationsand 16 Pages of Color Plates. 1976. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally & Co.
  • Tůma, Jiří. 1979. The Pictorial Encyclopedia of Transport. . Translated by Alena Einhornovál. London, GB: Hamlyn.

Aerospace Transportation T&E

  • Baughman, Harold E. 1942. Baughman’s Aviation Dictionary and Reference Guide: Aero—Thesaurus. 2 ed. Los Angeles, CA: Aero Publishers.
  • Cescotti, Roderich. 1957. Aviation Dictionary: German-English, English-German. 2 ed. London, GB: Ward & Lock.
  • Marks, Robert Walter, ed. 1969. The New Dictionary & Handbook of Aerospace. New York, NY: Praeger Publishers.
  • Nayler, J.L. 1964. Concise Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Astronautics. London, GB: Newnes.
  • United States. 1944. Index of Army Aeronautical Equipment with Navy and British Equivalents - Instruments. Vol. 6.
  • Zweng, Charles Alfonso, ed. 1944. Zweng Aviation Dictionary. Los Angeles, CA: Wolfer Print. Co.


No resources available

Land Transportation T&E

  • Berkebile, Donald H. 1978. Carriage Terminology: An Historical Dictionary. Smithsonian Institution Press Publication 6028. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
  • Burness, Tad. 1978. American Truck Spotter’s Guide, 1920-1970. Osceola, WI: Motorbooks International.
  • C.M. Moseman and Brother. 1990. Mosemans’ Illustrated Guide for Purchasers of Horse Furnishing Goods, Novelties, and Stable Appointments, Imported and Domestic. 5 ed. New York, NY: Crescent Books.
  • Calif, Ruth. 1983. The World on Wheels: An Illustrated History of the Bicycle and Its Relatives. New York, NY: Cornwall Books.
  • Carpentier, Paul. 1972. “La raquette à neige (Présence et fabrication au Canada français).” M.A., Québec, QC: Université Laval.
  • Carpentier, Paul. 1976. La raquette à neige. Histoire populaire du Québec 2. Sillery, QC: Éditions du Boréal Express.
  • Corriveau, Claude. 1991. Les voitures à chevaux au Québec. Sillery, QC: Septentrion.
  • Dupont, Jean-Claude, and Jacques Mathieu, eds. 1981. Les Métiers du cuir. Ethnologie de l’Amérique française. Québec, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval.
  • Dupont, Jean-Claude, and Jacques Mathieu, eds. 1986. Exercices des métiers du bois. Cahiers du CELAT 4. Sainte-Foy, QC: CELAT.
  • Hardy, Jean-Pierre. 1978. Le forgeron et le ferblantier. Histoire populaire du Québec 4. Montréal, QC: Éditions du Boréal Express.
  • Hart, Edward. 1981. The Harness Horse. Shire Album 53. Aylesbury, GB: Shire Publications.
  • Harter, Jim. 1984. Transportation, a Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth-Century Sources: 525 Copyright-Free Illustrations for Artists and Designers. Dover Pictorial Archive Series. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
  • Hasluck, Paul Nooncree. 1904. Harness Making with Numerous Engravings and Diagrams. Work Handbooks. London, GB: Cassell.
  • Hasluck, Paul Nooncree. 1904. Saddlery with Numerous Engravings and Diagrams. Philadelphia, PA: D. McKay.
  • Hasluck, Paul Nooncree. 1962. Saddlery and Harness-Making: With Numerous Engravings and Diagrams. Reprint. London, GB: J.A. Allen.
  • Ingram, Arthur. 1977. Dairying Bygones. Shire Album 29. Aylesbury, GB: Shire Publications.
  • Ingram, Arthur. 1977. Horse-Drawn Vehicles Since 1760. Blandford Colour Series. Poole, GB: Blandford.
  • Italiano, Carlo. 1974. The Sleighs of my Childhood / Les traîneaux de mon enfance. . Translated by René Chicoine. Montréal, QC: Tundra.
  • Leclerc, Paul-André. 1978. Les voitures à chevaux à la campagne. La Pocatière, QC: Musée François-Pilote.
  • Lemay, Pierre. 1977. Le traîneau à chiens d’hier à aujourd’hui. Connaissances des pays québécois. Montréal, QC: Aurore.
  • Miller, Denis N. 1982. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trucks and Buses. Quarto Books. New York, NY: Mayflower Books.
  • Milnes, Herbert. 1980. Settlers’ Traditions. Cheltenham, ON: Boston Mills Press.
  • Murphy, Jim. 1983. Two Hundred Years of Bicycles. New York, NY: Lippincott.
  • Norbeck, Jack. 1976. Encyclopedia of American Steam Traction Engines. 3 ed. Sarasota, FL: Crestline Publishing.
  • Oliver, Smith Hempstone, and Donald H. Berkebile. 1968. The Smithsonian Collection of Automobiles and Motorcycles. Smithsonian Institution Press Publication 4719. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
  • Oliver, Smith Hempstone, and Donald H. Berkebile. 1974. Wheels and Wheeling: The Smithsonian Cycle Collection. Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology 24. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
  • Oliver, Smith Hempstone. 1953. Catalog of the Cycle Collection of the Division of Engineering of the United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 204. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
  • Pagé, Victor Wilfred. 1971. Handbook of Early Motorcycles: Construction, Operation, Service. Arcadia, CA: Post Motor Books.
  • Pomerleau, Jeanne. 1990. Métiers ambulants d’autrefois. Littératures. Montréal, QC: Guérin.
  • Salaman, Raphael Arthur. 1986. Dictionary of Leather-Working Tools, c. 1750-1950, and the Tools of Allied Trades. London, GB: Allen & Unwin.
  • Wheeling, Kenneth Edward. 1974. Horse-Drawn Vehicles at the Shelburne Museum. Forge Ahead Series 1. Shelburne, VT: Shelburne Museum.

Rail Transportation Equipment

  • Adams, Ramon F. 1977. The Language of the Railroader. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.
  • Bruce, Alfred W. 1952. The Steam Locomotive in America: Its Development in the Twentieth Century. New York, NY: Bonanza Books.
  • Cockle, George R., ed. 1974. Car and Locomotive Cyclopedia of American Practices Definitions and Illustrations of Railroad Cars and Locomotives and Their Components Built for Domestic and Export Service, and Including Shop Practices and Electrical Fundamentals. 3 ed. New York, NY: Simmons-Boardman.
  • Forney, Matthias N. 1974. The Railroad Car Builder’s Pictorial Dictionary with over 800 Illustrations. Dover Americana. New York, NY: Dover Publications.

Water Transportation Equipment

  • Ansted, A, and Peter Clissold. 1985. A Dictionary of Sea Terms. 3 ed. Glasgow, GB: Brown, Son & Ferguson.
  • Baker, Byron. 1966. Glossary of Oceanographic Terms. 2 ed. Naval Oceanographic Office Special Publication, SP-35. Washington, DC: U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office.
  • Baker, William A., Sam Svensson, and George P. B. Naish. 1984. The Lore of Sail: A Comprehensive and Authoritative Guide, Fully Illustrated Throughout. Reprint. New York, NY: Facts on File.
  • Barnard, Murray. 1977. Sea, Salt & Sweat: A Story of Nova Scotia and the Vast Atlantic Fisheries. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Communications and Information Centre.
  • Barnard, Murray. 1986. Sea, Salt and Sweat: A Story of Nova Scotia and the Vast Atlantic Fishery. 2 ed. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia Deptartment of Fisheries.
  • Blair, Carvel Hall, and Willits Dyer Ansel. 1968. A Guide to Fishing Boats and Their Gear. Cambridge, MD: Cornell Maritime Press.
  • Bonnefoux, Pierre Marie Joseph, baron de, and Edmond Paris. 1980. Le dictionnaire de la marine à voile. 2 ed. Paris, FR: René Baudouin.
  • Bowen, Frank C. 1929. Sea Slang: A Dictionary of the Old-Timers’ Expressions and Epithets. London, GB: Sampson Low, Marston.
  • Bradford, Gershom. 1927. A Glossary of Sea Terms. New York, NY: Yachting.
  • Bradford, Gershom. 1972. The Mariner’s Dictionary. Barre, MA: Barre Publishers.
  • Bradshaw, Alan Rousseau. 1932. English-French Naval Terms with Alphabetical Indices. London, GB: Williams & Norgate Ltd.
  • Brewington, Marion Vernon. 1962. Shipcarvers of North America. Barre, MA: Barre Publishers.
  • Brewington, Marion Vernon. 1972. Shipcarvers of North America. Reprint. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
  • Burgess, Francis Henry. 1961. A Dictionary of Sailing. Penguin Reference R18. Harmondsworth, GB: Penguin Books.
  • Burgess, Francis Henry. 1974. A Dictionary for Yachtsmen. Newton Abbot, GB: David & Charles.
  • Course, A.G. 1963. A Dictionary of Nautical Terms. Reprint. New York, NY: Philosophical Library.
  • Davis, Charles Gerard. 1926. The Ship Model Builder’s Assistant. Publication of the Marine Research Society 12. Salem, MA: Marine Research Society.
  • De Kerchove, René. 1961. International Maritime Dictionary. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  • Dear, Ian, and Peter Kemp, eds. 2006. The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea. 2 ed. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
  • Delbos, Léon. 1902. Nautical Terms: In English and French and French and English. 4 ed. London, GB: Williams & Norgate.
  • Edwards, Fred. 1988. Sailing as a Second Language. Seamanship Series. Camden, ME: International Marine Publishing Company.
  • Falconer, Alexander Frederick. 1965. A Glossary of Shakespeare’s Sea and Naval Terms Including Gunnery. London, GB: Constable.
  • Falconer, William. 1970. New Universal Dictionary of the Marine. 2 ed. New York, NY: Library Editions Ltd.
  • Franck, Alain. 1982. “Pratique et coutumes du cabotage à voile dans la région de la Côte-du-sud, 1860-1930.” M.A., Québec, QC: Université Laval.
  • Fruchtman, Theodore. 1951. Illustrated Ships Dictionary: A Handy Compendium of the Most Commonly Used Terms Connected with Ships and Seamanship, Together with Especially Prepared Illustrations. New York, NY: Reporter Publications.
  • Gauss, Henry Colford, and John P. Wisser. 1905. A Military and Naval Dictionary. New York, NY: L.R. Hamersly Co.
  • Gentile, Gary. 1995. The Nautical Cyclopedia. Philadelphia, PA: G. Gentile Productions.
  • Gillmer, Thomas C. 1972. Working Watercraft: A Survey of the Surviving Local Boats of America and Europe. Camden, ME: International Marine Pub. Co.
  • Grant, Ruth Fulton. 1934. The Canadian Atlantic Fishery. Staple Industries of Canada. Toronto, ON: Ryerson Press.
  • Granville, Wilfred. 1949. Sea Slang of the Twentieth Century. London, GB: Winchester Publications.
  • Granville, Wilfred. 1962. A Dictionary of Sailors’ Slang. London, GB: Andre Deutsch.
  • Gruss, Robert. 1963. Petit dictionnaire de marine : ouvrage illustré de 96 planches hors-texte dont 430 dessins de L. Haffner. 3 ed. Paris, FR: Éditions maritimes et d’outre-mer.
  • Gruss, Robert. 1978. Dictionnaire Gruss de marine. Paris, FR: Éditions maritimes et d’outre-mer.
  • Hamersly, Lewis Randolph. 1884. A Naval Encyclopædia: Comprising a Dictionary of Nautical Words and Phrases; Biographical Notices, and Records of Naval Officers; Special Articles of Naval Art and Science. Philadelphia, PA: L.R. Hamersly & co.
  • Howard-Williams, Jeremy. 1976. Care and Repair of Sails. Boston, MA: Sail.
  • Jal, Augustin. 1848. Glossaire nautique : répertoire polyglotte de termes de marine anciens et modernes. Paris, FR: Firmin Didot.
  • Jal, Augustin. 1970. Nouveau glossaire nautique d’Augustin Jal. Revised. Paris, FR: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
  • Jane, Fred T. 1898. Jane’s Fighting Ships (1898)-. Jane’s Fighting Ships. New York, NY: Jane’s Publishing Company.
  • Jenson, L.B. 1980. Fishermen of Nova Scotia. Halifax, NS: Petheric Press.
  • Layton, Cyril Walter Thomas, Peter Clissold, and A. G. W. Miller, eds. 1995. Dictionary of Nautical Words and Terms: 8000 Definitions in Navigation, Seamanship, Rigging, Meteorology, Naval Architecture, Average, Ship Economics, Hydrography, Cargo Stowage, Marine Engineering, Ice Terminology, Buoyage, Yachting, Etc. 4 ed. Glasgow, GB: Brown, Son & Ferguson.
  • Lecomte, Jules. 1982. Dictionnaire pittoresque de marine. Abri du Marin-Douarnenez, FR: Éditions de l’Estran.
  • Lind, Lew J. 1982. Sea Jargon: A Dictionary of the Unwritten Language of the Sea. Kenthurst, AU: Kangaroo Press.
  • Littleton, Algernon Charles. 1879. Vocabulary of Sea Words in English, French, German, Spanish, & Italian for the Use of Officers of the Royal and Mercantile Navies, Yachtsmen, Travellers, Etc. Portsmouth, GB: Griffin & Co.
  • MacEwen, William A., and A.H. Lewis. 1953. Encyclopedia of Nautical Knowledge. Cambridge, MD: Cornell Maritime Press.
  • MacKean, Ray, and Robert Percival. 1979. The Little Boats: Inshore Fishing Craft of Atlantic Canada. Fredericton, NB: Brunswick Press.
  • Manton, Michael, and Barbara Webb. 1999. 4 Language Dictionary: English, French, German & Dutch. London, GB: Yachting Monthly.
  • Massicotte, Édouard-Zotique. 1946. “À propos des navires anciens.” Edited by Pierre-Georges Roy. Bulletin des recherches historiques 52 (9): 282–84.
  • McCullough, Alan Bruce. 1989. La pêche commerciale dans le secteur canadien des Grands Lacs. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • McCullough, Alan Bruce. 1989. The Commercial Fishery of the Canadian Great Lakes. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada. [PDF Version].
  • McPherson, Sandy. 1983. The Sailor’s Words: Definitions, Sayings, Terms, Phrases, Quotations, Tables, Conversions, Identifiers. Picton, ON: Canadian Sailing Publications.
  • Noel, John Vavasour, Jr. 1981. The Boating Dictionary, Sail and Power. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.
  • Noel, John Vavasour, and Edward Latimer Beach. 1978. Naval Terms Dictionary. 4 ed. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press.
  • Paasch, Heinrich. 1890. Illustrated Marine Encyclopedia. Antwerp, BE: Heinrich Paasch.
  • Paasch, Heinrich. 1971. Dictionnaire anglais-français et français-anglais des termes et locutions maritimes, marine marchande. 2 ed. Paris, FR: Éditions maritimes et d’outre-mer.
  • Paasch, Heinrich. 1997. Paasch’s Illustrated Marine Dictionary: In English, French, and German, Originally Published as from Keel to Truck. Conway Classics. London, GB: Conway Maritime Press.
  • Payson, Harold H. 1987. Go Build Your Own Boat! South Thomaston, ME: H.H. Payson.
  • Randier, Jean. 1968. Introduction à l’art de naviguer : 300 questions et réponses à propos des bateaux de plaisance à voile et à moteur. Paris, FR: Éditions maritimes et d’outre-mer.
  • Randier, Jean. 1993. L’objet de marine. Paris, FR: Gallimard.
  • Rogers, John G. 1984. Origins of Sea Terms. American Maritime Library 11. Mystic, CT: Mystic Seaport Museum.
  • Rousmaniere, John. 1989. A Glossary of Modern Sailing Terms. Revised. New York, NY: Putnam.
  • Royal Canadian Sea Cadets. 1971. Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Manual. Ottawa, ON: Royal Canadian Sea Cadets.
  • Russell, William Clark. 1883. Sailors’ Language: A Collection of Sea-terms and Their Definitions. London, GB: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington.
  • Schult, Joachim. 1992. The Sailing Dictionary. Edited by Barbara Webb and Jeremy Howard-Williams. Translated by Barbara Webb. 2 ed. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Sheridan House.
  • Shuwall, Melissa. 1977. Running Press Glossary of Sailing Language. Philadelphia, PA: Running Press.
  • Smyth, William Henry. 1867. The Sailor’s Word-Book: An Alphabetical Digest of Nautical Terms, Including Some More Especially Military and Scientific ... as Well as Archaisms of Early Voyagers, Etc. Edited by Edward Belcher. London, GB: Blackie & Son.
  • Smyth, William Henry. 2004. The Sailor’s Word-Book: An Alphabetical Digest of Nautical Terms, Including Some More Especially Military and Scientific, but Useful to Seamen, as Well as Archaisms of Early Voyagers, Etc. Edited by Edward Belcher. Classic Reprint Series. Almonte, ON: Algrove Publishing.
  • Sullivan, Eric. 1996. The Marine Encyclopaedic Dictionary. 5 ed. London, GB: LLP.
  • United States Hydrographic Office. 1969. Navigation Dictionary. 2 ed. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • Watson, George Oliphant. 1965. Dictionary of Marine Engineering and Nautical Terms. Newnes Marine Engineering Series. London, GB: Newnes.
  • Willaumez, Jean-Baptiste-Philibert. 1831. Dictionnaire de marine avec huit planches par le vice-amiral Willaumez. 3 ed. Paris, FR: Bachelier.
  • Willaumez, Jean-Baptiste-Philibert. 1998. Dictionnaire de marine. Reprint. Douarnenez, FR: Chasse-marée/ArMen.
  • Zimmerly, David W. 1976. An Illustrated Glossary of Kayak Terminology. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Museums Association.
  • Zu Mondfeld, Wolfram. 1979. Encyclopédie navale des modèles réduits : guide du collectionneur et du modéliste. . Translated by P. Desolneux. Paris, FR: Pygmalion / Gérard Watelet.

Category 08: Communication Objects

Communication Objects - General references

  • Barry, K. 1981. The Advertising Trade Cart. Brattleboro, VT.

Advertising Media

  • Barry, K. 1981. The Advertising Trade Cart. Brattleboro, VT.
  • Dumas, Antoine. 1970. À l’enseigne d’antan : aperçu des enseignes en usages aux XVIIe, XVIII et XIXe siècles à Québec et à Montréal. Québec, QC: Éditions du Pélican.
  • Graham, Irvin. 1969. Encyclopedia of Advertising. 2 ed. New York, NY: Fairchild Publications.
  • Hornung, Clarence Pearson. 1956. Handbook of Early Advertising Art, Mainly from American Sources: Pictorial Volume. 3 ed. Vol. 1. 2 vol. New York, NY: Dover.
  • Hornung, Clarence Pearson. 1956. Handbook of Early Advertising Art, Mainly from American Sources: Typographical and Ornamental Volume. 3 ed. Vol. 2. 2 vol. New York, NY: Dover.
  • Munsey, Cecil. 1970. The Illustrated Guide to Collecting Bottles. New York, NY: Hawthorn Books.
  • Stevens, Gerald, and Edith Chown Pierce. 1957. The Edith Chown Pierce & Gerald Stevens Collection of Early Canadian Glass. Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON: Royal Ontario Museum.


  • Allen, Edward Monington. 1963. Harper’s Dictionary of the Graphic Arts. New York, NY: Harper & Row.
  • Barbeau, Marius. 1957. Trésor des anciens Jésuites. Anthropological Series / Série anthropologique 43. Ottawa, ON: National Museums of Canada / Musée nationaux du Canada.
  • Baudry, Marie Thérèse. 1990. La sculpture : méthode et vocabulaire. 3 ed. Principes d’analyse scientifique. Paris, FR: Imprimerie nationale.
  • Blanchette, Jean-François. 1983. Du fond du coeur: l’art populaire au Canada. Edited by Pierre Crépeau. Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies / Centre canadien d’études sur la culture traditionnelle. Ottawa, ON: National Museum of Man / Musée national de l’homme.
  • Blanchette, Jean-François. 1983. From the Heart: Folk Art in Canada. Edited by Pierre Crépeau. Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies / Centre canadien d’études sur la culture traditionnelle. Ottawa, ON: National Museum of Man / Musée national de l’homme.
  • Carpentier, Paul. 1979. La légende dans l’art québécois. Québec, QC: Éditeur officiel du Québec.
  • Carpentier, Paul. 1981. Les croix de chemin : au-delà du signe. Mercury / Mercure 39. Ottawa, ON: National Museums of Canada / Musées nationaux du Canada.
  • De Grosbois, Louise, Raymonde Lamothe, and Lise Nantel. 1978. Les patenteux du Québec. Augmented. Collection du Chien d’or 4. Montréal, QC: Parti pris.
  • Desvallées, André, Georges Henri Rivière, and Denise Glück. 1975. Arts populaires des pays de France I : Matières, techniques et formes des arts appliqués. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Paris, FR: Cuénot.
  • Desvallées, André, Georges Henri Rivière, and Denise Glück. 1976. Arts populaires des pays de France II : Motifs et styles des arts appliqués. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Paris, FR: Cuénot.
  • Doyon-Ferland, Madeleine. 1967. “Folk Arts.” In Esquisses du Canada francais, 185–207. Association canadienne des éducateurs de langue francaise (ACELF). Montréal, QC: Fides.
  • Doyon-Ferland, Madeleine. 1967. “Les arts populaires.” In Esquisses du Canada francais, 185–207. Association canadienne des éducateurs de langue francaise (ACELF). Montréal, QC: Fides.
  • Dupont, Jean-Claude. 1972. “L’art populaire au Canada français.” In Ethnologie québécoise, edited by Robert-Lionel Séguin, 11–20. Cahiers du Québec 1. Montréal, QC: Hurtubise HMH.
  • Duval, Francis Y., and Ivan B. Rigby. 1978. Early American Gravestone Art in Photographs. New York, NY: Dover.
  • Gauvreau, Jean Marie. 1940. Artisans du Québec. 2 ed. Trois-Rivières, QC: Bien public.
  • Genest, Bernard. 1986. Un monde peuplé d’animaux : Wilfrid Richard et les siens, sculpteurs. Québec, Qc: Musée de la civilisation.
  • Godden, Geoffrey A. 1980. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of English Pottery and Porcelain. 2 ed. London, GB: Barrie & Jenkins.
  • Haggar, Reginald George. 1962. A Dictionary of Art Terms: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Engraving and Etching, Lithography and Other Art Processes, Heraldry. New York, NY: Hawthorn Books.
  • Harper, J. Russell. 1973. L’art populaire : L’art naïf au Canada. Ottawa, ON: National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada.
  • Harper, J. Russell. 1973. People’s Art: Naïve Art in Canada. Ottawa, ON: National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada.
  • Lafontaine, Gerard H. 1948. Dictionary on Terms Used in the Paper, Printing and Graphic Arts Industries. Montréal, QC: Howard Smith Paper Mills.
  • Laliberté, Alfred. 1978. Les bronzes d’Alfred Laliberté. La collection du Musée du Québec : légendes, coutumes, métiers. Québec, QC: Ministère des affaires culturelles.
  • Latour, Thérèse. 1975. Les arts populaires du Québec. Québec, QC: Ministère des affaires culturelles.
  • Latour, Thérèse. 1980. Folk Art Treasures of Québec. Québec, QC: Ministère des affaires culturelles.
  • Latour, Thérèse. 1980. Trésors d’art populaire québécois. Québec, QC: Ministère des affaires culturelles.
  • Leroux, Claude, Louis Philippe Fortin, and Albert Colpron. 1947. Initiation à la forge. Office des cours par correspondance. Montréal, QC: Office des cours par correspondance.
  • Lessard, Michel, and Huguette Marquis. 1975. L’art traditionnel au Québec : trois siècles d’ornements populaires. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Martin, Denis. 1988. L’estampe au Québec, 1900-1950. Québec: Musée du Québec.
  • Martin, Judy. 1986. Longman Dictionary of Art: Handbook of Terms, Techniques, Materials, Equipment and Processes. Harlow, GB: Longman.
  • Mayer, Ralph. 1981. A Dictionary of Art Terms and Techniques. New York, NY: Barnes & Noble.
  • Midgley, Ruth, and Gail Lawther. 1981. Handtools of Arts and Crafts: The Encyclopedia of the Fine, Decorative, and Applied Arts. Diagram Group. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.
  • Osborne, Harold. 1970. The Oxford Companion to Art. Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
  • Pocket Pal: A Graphic Arts Production Handbook. 1974. 11 ed. New York, NY: International Paper Co.
  • Porter, John Robert. 1984. Questions d’art populaire. Cahiers du CELAT 2. Québec, QC: CELAT.
  • Riff, Adolphe. 1947. Artisans et paysans de France : recueil d’études d’art populaire. Strasbourg, FR: F.X. Le Roux.
  • Schiffer, Margaret Berwind. 1984. Christmas Ornaments: A Festive Study. Exton, PA: Schiffer Pub.
  • Simard, Cyril. 1975. Les bois et les textiles. Artisanat québécois 1. Montréal, QC: Éditions de l’Homme.
  • Simard, Jean, and François. Brault. 1989. Les arts sacrés au Québec. Boucherville, QC: Éditions de Mortagne.

Ceremonial Objects

  • Benker, Sigmund, Renate Rieth, and Rudolf E. Huber. 1972. Liturgische Geräte, Kreuze und Reliquiare der christlichen Kirchen / Objets liturgiques, croix et reliquaires des églises chrétiennes. Glossarium artis 2. Tübingen, DE: Wissenschaftliche Kommission Dokumentationsstelle.
  • Cruger, George A., ed. 1970. Church Silver of Colonial Virginia. Richmond: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
  • Curtis, George Munson, and Florence Virginia Paull Berger. 1911. American Church Silver of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, with a Few Pieces of Domestic Plate. Boston, MA: Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
  • Fox, Ross Allan C. 1978. Quebec and Related Silver at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press.
  • Lee, Frederick George. 1877. A Glossary of Liturgical and Ecclesiastical Terms. Medical Heritage Library. London, GB: Bernard Quaritch.
  • Lessard, Pierre. 1981. Les petites images dévotes : leur utilisation traditionnelle au Québec. Ethnologie de l’Amérique française. Québec, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval.
  • Mayer-Thurman, Christa C. 1975. Raiment for the Lord’s Service: A Thousand Years of Western Vestments. Chicago, IL: Art Institute of Chicago.
  • Mayo, Janet. 1984. A History of Ecclesiastical Dress. London, GB: Batsford.
  • Munier, André. 1926. L’église à notre époque. Construction, décoration, ameublement des églises I : L’église dans les siècles passés. Vol. 1. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Desclée.
  • Munier, André. 1926. L’église à notre époque. Construction, décoration, ameublement des églises II : L’église à notre époque, sa construction. Vol. 2. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Desclée.
  • Munier, André. 1926. L’église à notre époque. Construction, décoration, ameublement des églises III : L’église à notre époque, sa décoration et son ameublement. Vol. 3. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Desclée.
  • Munier, André. 1926. L’église à notre époque. Construction, décoration, ameublement des églises. 3 vol. Paris, FR: Desclée.
  • Pocknee, Cyril Edward. 1960. Liturgical Vesture: Its Origins and Development. London, GB: Mowbray.
  • Roulin, Eugène Augustine. 1930. Linges, insignes et vêtements liturgiques : ouvrage orné de 343 gravures dans le texte et huit hors-texte. Paris, FR: Lethielleux.
  • Roulin, Eugène Augustine. 1950. Vestments and Vesture: A Manual of Liturgical Art. . Translated by Justin McCann. Westminster, GB: Newman Press.
  • Réunion des musées nationaux, and Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN), eds. 1994. Religious Objects: User’s Guide and Terminology / Objets religieux: Méthode d’analyse et vocabulaire. Ottawa, ON & Paris, FR: Canadian Heritage Information Network / Réseau Canadien de l’information sur le patrimoine & Éditions de la Réunion des musées nationaux.
  • Réunion des musées nationaux, and Réseau canadien de l’information sur le patrimoine (RCIP), eds. n.d. Religious Objects: User’s Guide and Terminology / Objets religieux: Méthode d’analyse et vocabulaire. Ottawa, ON & Paris, FR: Canadian Heritage Information Netwrok / Réseau Canadien de l’information sur le patrimoine & Éditions de la Réunion des musées nationaux.
  • Simard, Jean, and François. Brault. 1989. Les arts sacrés au Québec. Boucherville, QC: Éditions de Mortagne.
  • Simard, Jean. 1979. Un patrimoine méprisé : la religion populaire des Québécois. Cahiers du Québec 46. Montréal, QC: Hurtubise HMH.
  • Séguin, Robert-Lionel. 1963. Les moules du Québec. Bulletins d’histoire 188. Ottawa, ON: Ministère du Nord canadien et des ressources nationales.
  • Talocci, Mauro. 1982. Guide to the Flags of the World. . Translated by Ronald Strom. New York, NY: Quill.
  • Trudel, Jean. 1974. L’orfèvrerie en Nouvelle-France. Ottawa, ON: National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada.
  • Vincent, Rodolphe. 1963. Notre costume civil et religieux, 1775-1800. Collection Canada. Montréal, QC: Centre de psychologie et de pédagogie de Montréal.

Documentary Objects

Exchange Media

  • Bank of Canada / Banque du Canada. 1981. The History of Canada’s Currency / L’histoire de la monnaie canadienne. 3 ed. Ottawa, ON: Bank of Canada / Banque du Canada.
  • Hobson, Burton, and Robert Obojski. 1983. Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Coins. Augmented and revised. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
  • McCullough, Alan Bruce. 1984. Money and exchange in Canada to 1900. Edited by Blaine R. Beemer. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press.
  • McCullough, Alan Bruce. 1989. La monnaie et le change au Canada des premiers temps jusqu’à 1900. Edited by Blaine R. Beemer. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture and History / Études en archéologie, architecture et histoire. Ottawa, ON: Parks Canada / Parcs Canada.
  • Nouaille, Pierre, ed. 1976. L’or et les monnaies. Vol. 2. 2 vol. Genève, CH: Famot.
  • Powell, James. 2005. A History of the Canadian Dollar. 2 ed. Ottawa, ON: Bank of Canada / Banque du Canada. [PDF Version].
  • Powell, James. 2005. Le dollar canadien : une perspective historique. 2 ed. Ottawa, ON: Bank of Canada / Banque du Canada. [PDF Version].
  • Schilke, Oscar G., and Raphael E. Solomon. 1964. America’s Foreign Coins: An Illustrated Standard Catalogue with Valuations of Foreign Coins with Legal Tender Status in the United States, 1793-1857. New York, NY: Coin and Currency Institute.
  • Warm, Harvey R., ed. 1975. Canada, Stamps and Stories: The Canadian Heritage Through the Fascinating World of Stamps with a Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of Canada/Canada, les belles histoires des timbres-poste : l’histoire du Canada racontée par les timbres, ainsi qu’un catalogue des timbres-poste canadien. Ottawa, ON: Canada Post.
  • Wheeler, Robert C. 1985. A Toast to the Fur Trade: A Picture Essay on Its Material Culture. Edited by Ardis Hillman Wheeler. St. Paul, MN: Wheeler Productions.
  • Williams, Leon Norman, and Maurice Williams. 1971. Fundamentals of Philately. American Philatelic Society Handbook Series. State College, PA: American Philatelic Society.

Personal Symbols

  • Barthorp, Michael. 1987. The British Army on Campaign I: 1816-1853. Men-at-Arms 193. London, GB: Osprey.
  • Barthorp, Michael. 2003. The British Army on Campaign II: The Crimea 1854-1856. Men-at-Arms 196. Oxford, GB: Osprey.
  • Boulton, James J. 1990. Uniforms of the Canadian Mounted Police. North Battleford, SK: Turner-Warwick Publications.
  • Brasser, Ted J. 1976. “Bo’jou, Neejee!” : regards sur l’art indien du Canada. Ottawa, ON: National Museum of Man / Musée national de l’homme.
  • Brasser, Ted J. 1976. “Bo’jou, Neejee!”: Profiles of Canadian Indian Art. Ottawa, ON: National Museum of Man / Musée national de l’homme.
  • Bury Palliser, Fanny. 1870. Historic Devices, Badges, and War-Cries. London, GB: Sampson Low, Son & Marston.
  • Campbell, Bert L., and Ron Reynolds. 1983. Marine Badges & Insignia of the World: Including Marines, Commandos, and Naval Infantrymen. London, GB: Blandford Press.
  • Chappell, Mike. 2002. British Battle Insignia I: 1914-1918. Men-at-Arms 182. Oxford, GB: Osprey.
  • Chappell, Mike. 2002. The Canadian Army at War. Men-at-Arms 164. Oxford, GB: Osprey.
  • Chappell, Mike. 2003. British Battle Insignia II: 1939-1945. Men-at-Arms 187. Oxford, GB: Osprey.
  • Chartrand, René, and Serge Bernier. 1993. Canadian Military Heritage I: 1000-1754. Reprint. Vol. 1. 3 vol. Ottawa, ON: National Defence / Défense nationale. [PDF Version].
  • Chartrand, René, and Serge Bernier. 1993. Canadian Military Heritage II: 1755-1871. Vol. 2. 3 vol. Ottawa, ON: National Defence / Défense nationale. [PDF Version].
  • Chartrand, René, and Serge Bernier. 1993. Canadian Military Heritage III: 1872-2000. Vol. 3. 3 vol. Ottawa, ON: National Defence / Défense nationale. [PDF Version].
  • Chartrand, René, and Serge Bernier. 2003. Le patrimoine militaire canadien d’hier à aujourd’hui I : 1000-1754. Reprint. Vol. 1. 3 vol. Ottawa, ON: National Defence / Défense nationale. [PDF Version].
  • Chartrand, René, and Serge Bernier. 2003. Le patrimoine militaire canadien d’hier à aujourd’hui II : 1755-1871. Reprint. Vol. 2. 3 vol. Ottawa, ON: National Defence / Défense nationale. [PDF Version].
  • Chartrand, René, and Serge Bernier. 2003. Le patrimoine militaire canadien d’hier à aujourd’hui III : 1872-2000. Reprint. Vol. 3. 3 vol. Ottawa, ON: National Defence / Défense nationale. [PDF Version].
  • Emerson, William K. 1983. Chevrons, Illustrated History and Catalog of U.S. Army Insignia. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.
  • Fosten, Bryan. 1992. Wellington’s Infantry I. Vol. 1. 2 vol. Men-at-Arms 114. Oxford, GB: Osprey.
  • Fosten, Bryan. 1992. Wellington’s Infantry II. Vol. 2. 2 vol. Men-at-Arms 119. Oxford, GB: Osprey.
  • Gregor, Arthur S. 1975. Amulets, Talismans, and Fetishes Including a Dictionary of Amulets. New York, NY: Scribner.
  • Harrison, Julia D., ed. 1988. The Spirit Sings: Artistic Traditions of Canada’s First Peoples. A Catalogue of the Exhibition. Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart.
  • Hartman, Sheryl. 1988. Indian Clothing of the Great Lakes, 1740-1840. Ogden, VT: Eagle’s View Publishing Company.
  • Hook, Jason. 1999. To Live and Die in the West: The American Indian Wars. New York, NY: Barnes & Noble.
  • Lessard, Pierre. 1981. Les petites images dévotes : leur utilisation traditionnelle au Québec. Ethnologie de l’Amérique française. Québec, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval.
  • Leynaud, Paul, ed. 1992. Garments of History / Les habits de l’histoire. . Translated by Paul Leynaud. Encyclopédie visuelle bilingue 7. Paris, FR: Gallimard.
  • Loubat, Joseph Florimond. 1878. The Medallic History of the United States of America, 1776-1876. Vol. 1. 2 vol. New York, NY: J.F. Loubat.
  • Loubat, Joseph Florimond. 1878. The Medallic History of the United States of America, 1776-1876: Plates. Vol. 2. 2 vol. New York, NY: J.F. Loubat.
  • Marcus, Mordecai. 1981. Talismans. Sparrow Poverty Pamphlets 41. West Lafayette, IN: Sparrow Press.
  • Potter, Carole. 1984. Knock on Wood & Other Superstitions: An Encyclopedia of Talismans, Charms, Superstitions & Symbols. New York, NY: Bonanza Books.
  • Proulx, Gilles. 1973. “Le costume et l’équipement militaires à la forteresse de Louisbourg.” M.A., Montréal, QC: Université de Montréal.
  • Ross, David, and René Chartrand. 1977. Cataloguing Military Uniforms. Saint John, NB: New Brunswick Museum.
  • Ross, David, and Robin May. 1988. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 1873-1987. Men-at-Arms 197. London, GB: Osprey.
  • Royal Canadian Sea Cadets. 1951. Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Manual. Ottawa, ON: Royal Canadian Sea Cadets.
  • Royal Canadian Sea Cadets. 1971. Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Manual. Ottawa, ON: Royal Canadian Sea Cadets.
  • Simard, Jean. 1979. Un patrimoine méprisé : la religion populaire des Québécois. Cahiers du Québec 46. Montréal, QC: Hurtubise HMH.
  • Sullivan, Edmund B., and J. Doyle DeWitt. 1981. American Political Badges and Medalets, 1789-1892. Lawrence, MA: Quarterman Publications.
  • Van Duren, Peter Bander. 1995. Orders of Knighthood and of Merit: The Pontifical, Religious and Secularised Catholic-Founded Orders and Their Relationship to the Apostolic See. Gerrards Cross, GB: C. Smythe.
  • Wagner, Eduard. 1981. Costumes et coutumes militaires de la guerre de trente ans. . Translated by Laurence Dubois. Paris, FR: Gründ.
  • Werlich, Robert. 1974. Orders and Decorations of All Nations: Ancient and Modern, Civil and Military. 2 ed. Washington, DC: Quaker Press.

Category 09: Recreational Objects

Recreational Objects - General references

No resources available

Game Equipment

  • Bell, R.C. 1981. Board and Table Games Antiques. Shire Album 60. Aylesbury, GB: Shire Publications.
  • Doyon-Ferland, Madeleine. 1980. Jeux, rythmes et divertissements traditionnels. Edited by Andrée Paradis. Connaissance. Montréal, QC: Leméac.
  • King, Constance Eileen. 1978. The Encyclopedia of Toys. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • Stella, Jacques. 1969. Games & Pastimes of Childhood. . Translated by Stanley Appelbaum. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
  • Tremblay, Katherine, and Louise Renaud. 1990. Les jeux et les jouets de Place-Royale. Patrimoines 65. Québec, QC: Ministère des affaires culturelles.
  • Whitehouse, Francis Reginald Beaman. 1971. Table Games of George and Victorian Days. 2 ed. Royston, GB: Priory Press.

Public Entertainment Devices

  • Heffner, Hubert C., Samuel Selden, and Hunton D. Sellman. 1959. Modern Theatre Practice: A Handbook of Play Production. 4 ed. New York, NY: Appleton Century Crafts.

Recreational Devices

Sports Equipment

  • Cuddon, John Anthony. 1979. The International Dictionary of Sports and Games. New York, NY: Schocken Books.
  • Ditchfield, Peter Hampson. 1891. Old English sports, Pastimes and Customs. London, GB: Methuen.
  • Green, Harvey. 1986. Fit for America: Health, Fitness, Sport, and American Society. New York, NY: Pantheon Books.
  • Howell, Nancy, and Maxwell Leo Howell. 1974. Sports and Games in Canadian Life: 1700 to the Present. Laurentian Library 29. Toronto, ON: Macmillan.
  • National Workshop on Equipment and Supplies for Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation Participants. 1960. “Equipment and Supplies for Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation.” In National Workshop on Equipment and Supplies for Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation, 97. Chicago, IL: Athletic Institute.
  • Peak, Hedley, and Frederick G. Aflalo, eds. 1897. The Encyclopædia of Sport I: A–Leo. Vol. 1. 2 vol. London, GB: Lawrence & Bullen Ltd.
  • Peak, Hedley, and Frederick G. Aflalo, eds. 1897. The Encyclopædia of Sport II: Lic–Zeb & Index. Vol. 2. 2 vol. London, GB: Lawrence & Bullen Ltd.
  • Peak, Hedley, and Frederick G. Aflalo, eds. 1897. The Encyclopædia of Sport. 2 vol. London, GB: Lawrence & Bullen Ltd.
  • Peck & Snyder’s Wholesale. 1873. Peck & Snyder’s Encyclopædia and Price List of All Out and Indoor Sports and Games; Also Sporting Goods of Every Description. New York, NY: Peck & Snyder.
  • Weaver, Robert B. 1939. Amusements and Sports in American Life: The Development of Play in America During the Last Three Hundred Years. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.


  • Ayres, William S. 1981. The Warner Collector’s Guide to American toys. Warner Collector’s Guide Series. New York, NY: Warner Books.
  • Coleman, Dorothy S., Elizabeth A. Coleman, and Evelyn J. Coleman. 1968. The Collector’s Encyclopedia of Dolls. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • Dover Stamping Company. 1971. Dover Stamping Co., 1869: Tinware, Tin Toys, Tinned Iron Wares, Tinners Material, Enameled Stove Hollow Ware, Tinners’ Tools and Machines. Princeton, NJ: Pyne Press.
  • King, Constance Eileen. 1978. The Encyclopedia of Toys. New York, NY: Crown Publishers.
  • McClintock, Inez Bertail, and Marshall McClintock. 1961. Toys in America: A Profusely Illustrated History. Washington, DC: Public Affairs Press.
  • Morrison McClinton, Katharine. 1970. Antiques of American Childhood, with 380 Illustrations. New York, NY: Clarkson N. Potter.
  • Schroeder, Joseph J., and Barbara C. Cohen, eds. 1971. The Wonderful World of Toys, Games & Dolls, 1860-1930. Northfield, IL: Digest Books.
  • Stella, Jacques. 1969. Games & Pastimes of Childhood. . Translated by Stanley Appelbaum. New York, NY: Dover Publications.
  • Séguin, Robert-Lionel. 1976. Les jouets anciens du Québec. Montréal, QC: Leméac.
  • Tremblay, Katherine, and Louise Renaud. 1990. Les jeux et les jouets de Place-Royale. Patrimoines 65. Québec, QC: Ministère des affaires culturelles.

Category 10: Unclassifiable Objects

Unclassifiable Objects - General references

No resources available
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