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Secondary term

game, arcade

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An apparatus, usually with a coin operated mechanism, consisting of a brighly painted cabinet generally with colored illustrations or figures, often with a slanted table including enclosed obstacle courses, scoring features and push-buttons. Originally designed as a mechanical game, which evolved into to an electronic game and then a video game. Used to repeat the same action game to improve one's score or play, accumulate credits or win prizes. Typically installed in public places or business areas, some games are played in fairs or carnivals where the player must, for example, throw a ball or use a rifle on a target.
Definition source(s)
  • American Association for State and Local History (AASLH), and Canadian Heritage Information Network / Réseau canadien d’information sur le patrimoine. 2018. “Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage des objets de musée.” September 1, 2018.
Term (International)
arcade game
Inverted term (International)
game, arcade
Alternative term(s)
arcade machine; carnival game
Term (International)
jeu d'arcade
Term gender (International)
  • For a video arcade game, also use "Game, Video"
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Exact matching concepts from other linked open data sources

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Matching concepts from other linked open data sources
Data source Label Language Match
Art & Architecture Thesaurus arcade games (Art & Architecture Thesaurus) English Exact
Wikidata arcade game (Wikidata) English Exact
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