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Secondary term

game, mechanical

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A game consisting of a rectangular board, made of wood, plastic or cardboard, fitted with posts, holes, curved strips, channels, several small metal balls or marbles, etc. and decorated with various motifs, designs and numbers. Usually with a clear glass or plastic cover and push-buttons, sometimes equipped with a spring-loaded cylindrical rod or other type of spring action release lever. When pulled by the player, the lever propels one marble at a time up the metal channel which directs it to the surface of the board, where the posts, holes and strips act as obstacles or traps. Used to repeat the same action game to improve one's score or play.
Definition source(s)
  • American Association for State and Local History (AASLH), and Canadian Heritage Information Network / Réseau canadien d’information sur le patrimoine. 2018. “Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging / Nomenclature pour le catalogage des objets de musée.” September 1, 2018.
Term (International)
mechanical game
Inverted term (International)
game, mechanical
Term (International)
jeu mécanique
Term gender (International)
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Matching concepts from other linked open data sources
Data source Label Language Match
Art & Architecture Thesaurus mechanical game (Art & Architecture Thesaurus) English Exact
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