Browse hierarchy
Current terminology preferences : Natural order and International variant
Data record
- Primary term
- (opens semantic view)
- English
- Term (International)
- recording
- French
- Term (International)
- enregistrement
- Term gender (International)
- masculine
- Note(s)
- Use for recorded audio and video material in addition to an appropriate term from Data Processing Media, Photographic Media, or Sound Communication Media to describe the format, e.g., "Disc, Compact," "Disc, Digital Video," "Film, Motion Picture," "Videotape," "Cassette, Audio Tape," "Record, Phonograph"; the four specific terms below "Recording" assume recorded content
- Date created
- 2010-01-01
- Date updated
- 2010-01-01
- Downloads
- JSON-LD, Turtle or RDF/XML
- (reopens this page)
Other references to this concept
Exact matching concepts from other linked open data sources
Note: external sources may not have all data in both English and French.
Data source | Label | Language | Match |
Art & Architecture Thesaurus | recordings (Art & Architecture Thesaurus) | English | Exact |
Wikidata | recording (Wikidata) | English | Exact |
- Date modified: