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Showing 501 to 550 of 1,174 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
tissue, dry mount - Visual Communication Accessories & Components -
tissue, lens - Photographic Accessories & Components -
tithonometer - Chemical Testing Devices -
titrator - Labware -
titrometer - Chemical Testing Devices -
toaster toast rack; toasting rack cooking device
toaster. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
toaster, cheese - reflector oven -
tobacco plug tobacco; smoking tobacco Smoking & Recreational Drug Equipment -
tobacco, chewing - tobacco -
toboggan - snow coaster -
toga - Main Garments -
toggle - textile fastener -
toilet water closet plumbing fixture -
Toilet Articles - Category 03: Personal Objects -
token - Exchange Media (blank subclass)
token. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
token, commemorative - commemorative -
token, communion - token -
token, ration - token -
token, store - token -
token, tax - token -
token, transportation - token -
tollbooth toll booth toll structure -
tollgate - toll structure -
tollhouse toll house toll structure -
tom, long - mineral separator -
tomahawk - axe weapon -
tomb - funerary structure -
tombstone gravestone Funerary Objects -
tompion tampion Armament Accessories & Components -
tomtom - drum -
toner - Printing Accessories & Components -
tongs, asparagus - serving tongs -
tongs, beaker - laboratory tongs -
tongs, bending - metalworking tongs -
tongs, block ice ice tongs ice harvesting tool -
tongs, bolt curved lip fluted tongs; round stock tongs hollow-bit tongs -
tongs, box - metalworking tongs -
tongs, box hammer - hammer tongs -
tongs, brazing - metalworking tongs -
tongs, brick bricklayer's tongs Masonry & Stoneworking T&E (blank subclass)
tongs, brick. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
tongs, chain - pipe wrench -
tongs, clam - fishing tongs -
tongs, clinching clinch tongs; clinchers; farrier's clincher; farrier's clinching tong; horse nail clinchers; nail clinchers farrier's tongs
tongs, clinching. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
tongs, clip - flat tongs -
tongs, crook-bit - side tongs -
tongs, darkroom - Photoprocessing Equipment -
tongs, dipping - pottery tongs -
tongs, double box - box tongs -
tongs, drawing - metalworking tongs -
tongs, farrier's - Farrier Equipment -

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