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Showing 801 to 850 of 871 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
mount, taxidermy - Decorative Furnishings -
mouse - input device -
mousetrap mouse trap rodent trap
mousetrap. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
mouthguard - body protector -
mouthpiece bugle mouthpiece musical instrument component -
mouthpiece, iron jaw - aerialist's prop -
mouthpiece, saliva ejector - Dental Instruments -
mover, rail car - service car -
mower hay mower; mower machine; mowing machine Harvesting Equipment -
mower, gang reel - reel mower -
mower, horse-drawn - mower -
mower, lawn - Groundskeeping Equipment
mower, lawn. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
mower, power - lawn mower -
mower, reel - lawn mower -
mower, riding lawn tractor power mower -
mower, tractor-drawn - mower -
mozzetta - vestment -
muddler - stirrer -
mudflap - Land Transportation Accessories & Components -
muff - Clothing Accessories & Components
muff. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
muffineer - caster -
muffler - neck scarf -
muffler, automotive - vehicle component -
mug - Drinking Vessels -
mug, coffee - mug
mug, coffee. Maren Dunn
mug, decorative - knickknack -
mug, fraternal - insignia -
mug, shaving scuttle mug; shaving cup; shaving pot shaving product
mug, shaving. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
mug, travel - mug -
mukluk kamak; muckluck; mucluc boot
mukluk. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
mulcher - Cultivation Equipment -
mule - shoe
mule. David Ring, Europeana Fashion, Wikimedia Commons
muleshoe - animal shoe -
muleta - bullfighting gear -
muller - paint pestle -
mullion - Door & Window Elements -
multihull - boat -
multimeter - electrical instrument -
Multiple Use T&E for Materials - Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials -
Multiple Use T&E for Materials (blank subclass) - Multiple Use T&E for Materials -
multiplexer - data connector -
multiplier, voltage - Electrical System Accessories & Components -
muniment - Legal Documents -
mural ceiling painting; wall painting painting -
museum - exhibition building -
music - performance -
music, sheet - musical composition -
Musical Accessories & Components - Musical T&E -
Musical Instruments - Musical T&E -
Musical T&E - Category 06: Tools & Equipment for Communication -

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