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Current terminology preferences : Inverted order and International variant

Showing 12,051 to 12,100 of 15,104 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
shovel, power - earthmover -
shovel, snow snow scoop Groundskeeping Equipment -
shovel, steam - power shovel -
shovel, stove - stove tool
shovel, stove. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
shovel, toy - Toys (blank subclass) -
shower - plumbing fixture
shower. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
shrank schrank wardrobe -
shrapnel shrapnel shell Ammunition -
shredder, bark - Forestry T&E (blank subclass) -
shredder, flail flail cutter Harvesting Equipment -
shredder, paper - Writing Accessories & Components -
shrine - religious structure -
shroud - rigging -
shroud, burial burial bag Funerary Objects -
shrug - Main Garments -
shuffler, card - card holder -
shunt, electrical - Electrical System Accessories & Components -
shunt, medical - Medical Instruments -
shutter, camera - Photographic Accessories & Components -
shutter, deadlight deadlight; deadlight cover watercraft component -
shutter, exterior - window element -
shutter, interior - Window & Door Coverings (blank subclass) -
shutter, louvered - exterior shutter -
shuttle - Textile Manufacturing Equipment -
shuttle, netting - shuttle -
shuttle, space - manned spacecraft -
shuttle, tatting - shuttle -
shuttle, weaving - shuttle -
shuttlecock - badminton gear -
sickle bagging hook; grass hook; reaping hook reaping hook
sickle. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
sideboard sideboard table Storage & Display Furniture
sideboard. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
sidecar, motorcycle - Motor Vehicles -
sidelight - window -
siderail - bed component -
sideroscope - magnetic instrument -
siderostat - Astronomical T&E (blank subclass) -
sidesaddle - saddle -
sidewalk - Site Features (blank subclass) -
sidewalk, moving - Conveyance Devices -
siding - wall covering -
siding, asphalt - siding -
siding, board and batten - siding -
siding, clapboard - siding -
siding, shiplap - siding -
siding, vinyl - siding -
sieve - food separating tool -
sieve, hair - sieve -
sifter - food separating tool -
sifter, ash - Housekeeping Equipment -
sifter, compost compost sieve Tending Equipment -

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