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Current terminology preferences : Inverted order and International variant

Showing 1,201 to 1,250 of 2,058 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
clock, pedestal - clock -
clock, quartz - electronic clock -
clock, regulator - clock -
clock, self-winding - clock -
clock, shelf - clock -
clock, ship's - clock -
clock, sidereal - astronomical clock -
clock, table - clock -
clock, tall case grandfather clock floor clock -
clock, time recording punchclock; timeclock clock -
clock, travel - clock -
clock, turret tower clock clock -
clock, wall - clock -
clock, water clepsydra clock -
clog - shoe
clog. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
cloth, cleaning cloth duster; dustcloth Housekeeping Equipment -
cloth, credence - altar covering -
cloth, drop dropcloth Painting T&E (blank subclass) -
cloth, emery - Multiple Use T&E for Materials (blank subclass) -
cloth, fair linen - altar covering -
cloth, forehead - frontlet -
cloth, ground field cover; field tarp; ground sheet Bedding (blank subclass) -
cloth, mourning - Funerary Objects -
cloth, polishing - Housekeeping Equipment -
cloth, pressing - Laundry Equipment -
cloth, tea - tablecloth -
cloth, tester bed canopy; canopy bed hanging
cloth, tester. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
clothesline - Laundry Equipment -
clothespin - Laundry Equipment -
Clothing - Category 03: Personal Objects -
Clothing Accessories & Components - Clothing -
Clothing Care Objects - Personal Gear -
clothing, doll doll clothes doll accessory -
club bludgeon Percussive Weapons -
club, fish - Fishing Equipment
club, fish. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
club, froe cudgel mallet -
club, golf - golf gear -
club, health - health facility -
club, Indian - fitness device -
club, juggling - juggler's prop -
clubhouse - assembly hall -
coach four-in-hand carriage -
coach, berlin - coach -
coach, concord - coach -
coach, rail chair car; chair lounge car; commuter car passenger car -
coach, road tallyho coach -
coach, state - coach -
coachee - coach -
coagulometer - Biological T&E (blank subclass) -
coaming - watercraft component -

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