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Current terminology preferences : Inverted order and International variant

Showing 101 to 150 of 1,174 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
tachistoscope - Visual Communication Devices -
tachometer - Mechanical Measurement Equipment -
tack - fastener -
tack, animal - Land Transportation Accessories & Components -
tack, carpet - Housekeeping Equipment -
tack, tie - clothing pin -
tack, upholstery - textile fastener -
tacker, carpet - Housekeeping Equipment -
tackle, breaking - animal restraint -
tackle, fishing fishing kit Fishing Equipment -
tackle, sawing - saw stand -
taffrail - watercraft component -
tag - label -
tag, animal - animal identification tool -
tag, carcass - identification tag -
tag, dog - nametag -
tag, gift - Party Accessories & Components -
tag, identification - identification label -
tag, inventory - identification tag -
tag, luggage baggage check identification tag -
tag, merchandise - identification tag -
tag, shipping - identification tag -
tagine - cookware -
tailcoat claw-hammer coat; dress coat; swallow-tail coat; swallow-tailed coat; tail coat coat -
tailgate - vehicle component -
taillamp - vehicle lamp -
tailrace - Hydraulic Structures -
taj - cap -
taler Maria Theresa dollar; thaler coin -
talisman fetish charm -
tallith prayer shawl devotional object -
tally - Financial Records -
tam-o'-shanter - Scottish cap -
tam-tam - musical gong -
tambourine - percussion instrument -
tambouritza - stringed instrument -
tamp, butter tamper food handling tool -
tamper - compactor -
tamper, ballast - service car -
tampon - feminine hygiene product -
tanakh - religious text -
tank - Containers (blank subclass) -
tank, breathing - breathing apparatus -
tank, cooling - dairy cooler -
tank, developing film-processing tank Photoprocessing Equipment -
tank, food processing - food processing container -
tank, food storage water tank Food Storage Equipment -
tank, lard settling lard settling kettle lard processing tool -
tank, libation - libation vessel -
tank, military - military vehicle -

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