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Current terminology preferences : Inverted order and International variant

Showing 151 to 200 of 441 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
amplifier, carrier - amplifier -
amplifier, direct current - amplifier -
amplifier, radio frequency - Telecommunication Accessories & Components -
amplifier, sound audio amplifier Acoustical T&E (blank subclass) -
ampul - Medical Accessories & Components -
ampulla - ritual container -
amulet menat charm
amulet. David Ring, Europeana Fashion, Wikimedia Commons
anaglyph - photographic print -
analyzer, clang - Acoustical T&E (blank subclass) -
analyzer, differential - analog computer -
analyzer, gas - Chemical Testing Devices -
analyzer, harmonic - analog computer -
analyzer, network - Data Processing Devices -
analyzer, sound - Acoustical T&E (blank subclass) -
anchor killick watercraft component -
anchor, architectural - Supporting Elements -
anchor, net - Fishing Equipment -
anchor, tooth - Dental Instruments -
andiron dog-iron; fire-dog; firedog fireplace accessory
andiron. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
anemograph - anemometer -
anemometer - wind gauge -
anemoscope - wind gauge -
aneroidograph - aneroid barometer -
angleometer - Weights & Measures -
angon - javelin -
Animal Care Equipment - Animal Husbandry T&E -
Animal Husbandry T&E - Category 04: Tools & Equipment for Materials -
animal, carousel - amusement ride -
animal, mechanical - mechanical figure -
animal, stuffed - stuffed toy -
animal, toy - toy figure -
Animal-Powered Vehicles - Land Transportation T&E -
anklet ankle bracelet jewelry -
annealer - Dental Accessories & Components -
announcement notice Declaratory Documents -
announcement, anniversary - announcement -
announcement, award - announcement -
announcement, birth - announcement -
announcement, business - announcement -
announcement, funeral - announcement -
announcement, graduation - announcement -
announcement, meeting - announcement -
announcement, moving - announcement -
announcement, wedding - announcement -
anode - electrode -
anomaloscope - eye instrument -
anorak - Outerwear
anorak. David Ring, Europeana Fashion, Wikimedia Commons
anorthoscope - optical toy -
anoscope - rectal instrument -
antefix - Roof Elements -

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