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Showing 151 to 173 of 173 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
iron, seat saddle rod; seat steel; seat-iron; seatiron; steel stuffer; stuffing stick Leather, Horn, Bone & Shellworking T&E (blank subclass) -
iron, shipwright's caulking - caulking iron -
iron, shipwright's meaking - woodworking iron -
iron, snarling - metalworking iron -
iron, soldering soldering copper metalworking iron -
iron, straightening pinching iron hair iron
iron, straightening. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
iron, switch - Rail Transportation Accessories & Components -
iron, tacking - Photoprocessing Equipment -
iron, tailor's - iron -
iron, tire - vehicle tool -
iron, veneering - woodworking iron -
iron, wafer - cooking iron -
iron, waffle - cooking iron
iron, waffle. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
iron, wheelwright's burning - woodworking iron -
iron, woodworking - Woodworking T&E (blank subclass) -
ironworks - metal factory -
irrigator - therapeutic instrument -
irrigator, dental - Dental Instruments -
irrigator, uterine - gynecological instrument -
island, kitchen - counter -
isograph - drafting instrument -
itinerary - travel document -
ivorytype - photographic print
ivorytype. Frederick Till, Unidentified woman with bonnet, about 1860. MP-1975.67.24, McCord Stewart Museum

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