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Current terminology preferences : Inverted order and International variant

Showing 251 to 300 of 676 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
record, service military service certificate military record -
record, shipping - Administrative Records -
record, student - Other Documents -
record, vital - Government Records -
recorder - woodwind instrument -
recorder, audio - Sound Communication Devices -
recorder, audio disk - audio recorder -
recorder, audio tape - audio recorder -
recorder, audio wire - audio recorder -
recorder, audiocassette - audio tape recorder -
recorder, film - output device -
recorder, flight - Aerospace Transportation Accessories & Components -
recorder, reel-to-reel tape - audio tape recorder -
recorder, sceptre - Navigational Equipment -
recorder, sound - Acoustical T&E (blank subclass) -
recorder, sunshine - Meteorological T&E (blank subclass) -
recorder, train event - Rail Transportation Accessories & Components -
recorder, videotape VCR; videocasette recorder Visual Communication Devices -
recording - Other Documents -
recording, audio - recording -
recording, video - recording -
Recreational Devices - Category 09: Recreational Objects -
Recreational Devices (blank subclass) - Recreational Devices -
rectory - clergy house -
redingote - overcoat
redingote. David Ring, Europeana Fashion, Wikimedia Commons
redoubt - fortification -
reducer, bust - foundation garment -
reed, textile reed loom component -
reedpipe reed pipe woodwind instrument -
reel - Mechanical Devices -
reel, bait casting - fishing reel -
reel, candle dipping - Glass, Plastics & Clayworking T&E (blank subclass) -
reel, chalk - woodworking chalk -
reel, clock - yarn winder -
reel, clothesline - Laundry Equipment -
reel, film - Visual Communication Accessories & Components -
reel, fire hose - fire protection device -
reel, fishing fishing winder fishing tackle
reel, fishing. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
reel, fly - fishing reel -
reel, garden hose garden line reel; garden reel Groundskeeping Equipment -
reel, horse-drawn hose - fire wagon -
reel, kite kite line winder Aerospace Transportation Accessories & Components -
reel, log - Navigational Equipment -
reel, spin cast - fishing reel -
reel, spinning - fishing reel -
reel, stereoviewer Viewmaster Graphic Documents -
reel, tape - Sound Communication Accessories & Components -
reel, warping - yarn winder -
reel, yarn - yarn winder -
refinery, sugar - food plant -

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