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Current terminology preferences : Inverted order and International variant

Showing 301 to 350 of 612 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
globe, lamp - Lighting Accessories & Components -
globe, rolling - Public Entertainment Devices (blank subclass) -
globe, show - trade symbol -
globe, snow snow dome; snowglobe knickknack -
globe, terrestrial - cartograph -
globulimeter - blood testing device -
glockenspiel - percussion instrument -
glossary - Reference Works -
glove - Clothing Accessories & Components
glove. David Ring, Europeana Fashion, Wikimedia Commons
glove, baseball - baseball gear -
glove, batting - baseball glove -
glove, bowling - bowling gear -
glove, boxing - boxing gear -
glove, data cyberglove; dataglove; wired glove input device -
glove, disposable - glove -
glove, driving - glove -
glove, evening - glove -
glove, fencing - fencing gear -
glove, field hockey - field hockey gear -
glove, fielder's - baseball glove -
glove, golf - golf gear -
glove, hockey - hockey gear -
glove, lacrosse - lacrosse gear -
glove, ski - skiing gear -
glove, soccer goalie - soccer gear -
glove, softball - baseball gear -
glove, target shooter's - Armament Accessories & Components -
glove, wicket keeping - cricket gear -
glove, work - glove -
glucometer - diagnostic instrument -
gluepot glue pot Multiple Use T&E for Materials (blank subclass) -
gnomon - timepiece component -
goal, field hockey - field hockey gear -
goal, ice hockey - hockey gear -
goal, soccer - soccer gear -
goal, water polo - water polo gear -
goalpost - sports structure -
goblet goblet glass drinking glass -
goffer - Bookbinding Equipment -
goggles - vision device -
goggles, aviator's - goggles -
goggles, driving - goggles -
goggles, field hockey - field hockey gear -
goggles, night vision - goggles -
goggles, skating - skating gear -
goggles, snow - goggles
goggles, snow. David Ring, Europeana Fashion, Wikimedia Commons
goggles, swim - water recreation device -
goggles, welder's - goggles -
gondola - boat -
gong - Sound Communication Devices -

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