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Showing 351 to 400 of 627 entries | entries


Preferred Term Alternative Term(s) Broader Concept Illustration
antiaircraft gun - Artillery -
anticreeper - track component -
antidrag wire - aircraft wire -
antiflutter wire - aircraft wire -
antimacassar antimacassor; antimaccassar; antimaccassor; tidy Furniture Coverings -
antimissile missile - missile -
antipersonnel grenade - grenade -
antitank grenade - grenade -
antitank gun - Artillery -
anvil - Metalworking T&E (blank subclass) -
anvil horse - anvil -
anvil swage - swage -
apartment building apartment Dwellings -
apertometer - Optical T&E (blank subclass) -
apiary - Agricultural Structures -
apomecometer - Surveying Equipment -
apothecary bottle - apothecary container -
apothecary chest - chest -
apothecary container - Merchandising T&E (blank subclass) -
apothecary jar - apothecary container -
apothecary ladle - pharmaceutical tool -
apothecary scale - scale -
Appalachian dulcimer - stringed instrument -
appentice - Outbuildings -
apple barrow - Harvesting Equipment -
apple butter paddle - food paddle -
apple butter stirrer - stirrer -
apple mill - cider making tool -
apple roaster - reflector oven
apple roaster. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
apple sorter - food sorter -
appliance cart - cart table -
application - form -
appliqué - needlework -
appointment book - book -
appraisal - Financial Records -
apron - Protective Wear
apron. Parks Canada Descriptive and Visual Dictionary of Objects
aquameter - Chemical Testing Devices -
aquaplane - water recreation device -
aquarium - pet habitat -
aqueduct - Hydraulic Structures -
arbor - garden feature -
arcade - entertainment building -
arcade game arcade machine; carnival game game -
arch - Other Structures -
arch punch - leather punch -
archery tab finger tab Armament Accessories & Components -
archery target - target -
archimedean screw - Mechanical Devices -
architect's model site model model -
architect's scale - drafting instrument -

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